Stan smut

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It's Saturday night and all of us gathered at Bill's house. We decided to play truth or dare.
"Eddie, truth or dare?"
"Who do u like?"
"Ok, this is gonna sound stupid, but Greta"
I walked in and sat next to Stan. I've had a crush on him for a little while, and everyone knows but Stan.
"Oo, we have a new guest"
I sit down Indian style in the circle.
"So y/n truth or dare?"
"Dare, obviously"
Richie whispers something to Eddie and they both laugh. Richie gives me my dare.
"I dare u and Stan to go take a shower together. Fully naked"
My face turns bright red. I look at Stan and he winks, making the awful feeling in my stomach worse.
"Go on, get with it young lads!"
"Richie, shut the fuck up!"
Stan gets up and walks to the bathroom. "U coming"
I get up and step inside the bathroom with Stan. He shuts the door.
"We better be able to hear the moans from out here!"
"Oh don't worry, you will" Stan winks at me. He takes his shirt off and starts the water. Bill has a pretty big shower so we should be able to have some distance. Stan grabs my arm.
"I know u like me. And I know ur scared. Am I really the guy u wanna do this with?"
"I don't know what I want"
Stan pushes his lips on mine. My heart is pounding, it's everything I've ever wanted. I take off my shirt and bra. I wrap my arms around Stan and pull him closer. I already know by the boner in his pants that the feeling of our bare chests touching turns him on. I pull away and slip my pants and underwear off and jump in the shower. Stan does the same. He kisses me all down my neck to my breasts. He masages them. Then he attaches his lips, he swirls his tongue around making me moan.
He gets down on his knees. I feel a ticklish sensation down there. I fall against the wall in the shower.
I feel the knot in my stomach release. Liquid shoots out of my body into Stans mouth.
"I-I'm sorry"
My face turns red and my heart starts pounding.
"Don't be. U taste good"
He starts kissing me again. He grabs my breasts making me moan.
I obey and wrap my legs around Stan.
"Listen, its better if I just go fast. U feel less pain"
I nod. Stan slams into me and starts thrusting.
"Ahh! Fuck, Stan"
He goes hard and deep making me scream his name many times. He shifts a bit and thrusts again. This time making pleasure burst through my body.
"Uggh, Stan!!"
"G-spot" he mumbles.
I feel the same knot in my stomach. I scream his name as juice pours out of me.
"Go down on ur knees"
I obey and he pumps his shaft over my mouth. He throws his head back and shoots his hot load in my mouth. I swallow and stand up. We wash off and get dressed. We walk out hand in hand. When we walk out I kiss him in front of everyone.
"You ju-just h-had sex in m-my bathroom."
Stan and I laugh.
"I don't regret it.
"Me neither"
We sit down. I kiss him on the lips and lay my head in his lap. He plays with my hair.
"Jeez y/n don't u think you've had enough dick for one day!"
"Shut the fuck up Eddie"
Stan and I laugh

I hope u guys enjoyed this. It's not very good.

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