Jack *cute period story*

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Me- hey Jacky 💞 can u come over, I've had a really bad day 🥺

Baby Jack 💕🦋- of course babe. I'll be over in like 10 minutes 😘

I layed down waiting for jack to get here. This has seriously been the worst week of my life. Tell me what's worse than ur bff moving, finals, and starting ur period. Literally nothing. My cramps have been so bad today, I feel like dying.***
I hear the front door open then close. I just keep laying there tho, he knows where my room is.
"Hey Mrs. Y/L/N"
"Hi Jack! Y/n is upstairs. She's havin' a bad week."
"Ok. Thank u!"
My door opens and Jack walks in. He walks over and gives me a big hug. He climbs in my bed and snuggles up under me so that my head is on his chest and my arm is around him.
"So what do u wanna watch" he smiles.
I start crying like an emotional teenage girl.
"I'm sorry baby" he kisses my head
"My life is a mess. Everything is wrong with me! I have no friends, I'm probably gonna flunk finals, and being a girl sucks!?!"
"Well, let's put on a movie and cuddle"
We decide to watch Stepbrothers, again. About an hour later, I get up to use the bathroom. I realize that there is blood everywhere. I run to the bathroom.
"Jack!! I need some new clothes. And tampons. Please! I'll love u for all eternity if u go to the store for me."
"It's all right babe. I got it.
He brings me my favorite sweats, the shirt he was wearing (U have a couple of his shirts at ur house), and some new underwear.
"What all do u need babe?"
"Tampons, Advil, and a new heating pad"
"Ok, I'll be right back"
"Thank u! I love u"
"Love u too!"
Jack walks back upstairs to my bathroom.
"Can I come in?"
He walks in and hands me my tampons. Then he walks out and changes my sheets while I finish up. I walk out and he hands me a water bottle and the Advil.
"I already have the heating pad on"
"Thank u Jacky! I luv u"
"I luv u too Y/n/n"
We climb back into my bed and put in another movie. I layed there all snuggled up with jack while he traced small shapes on my belly.
"Goodnight Jacky"
"Goodnight princess"

Sorry, I know this really sucks. 💖✌️

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