Wyatt *cute period story*

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Wy-wy💕❤️- hey babe can u stay over 2night?
Me- yeah. See u in 5
I got my bag ready and headed out the door. I drove the short distance to my bf's house. I knock at the door and his mom answers.
"Hi Jennifer"
She smiles and lets me in.
"Wyatt is upstairs"
"Thank u!"
I run upstairs and walk in his room.
"Hi babe, I missed u"
He gives me a big kiss and then a hug.  I lay on his bed while he plays video games and we talk a bit.
Later he comes over and lays next to me. He puts in a movie and we cuddle.
"Do u have any Advil?"
"Yeah, in the kitchen"
I get up to walk downstairs but Wyatt stops me.
"Baby, I'm gonna run to the store and get u some tampons"
I swallow hard and realize that I started my period. My face turns bright red and a tear falls from my eye.
"I'm sorry, I'll just go home"
He gives me a hug.
"Ur not going anywhere. I'll be right back. Sweats in second drawer, hoodies in the closet"
I smile and kiss him one more time.
Wyatt walks in and his mom questions him.
"Tampons" he smiles at her.
He runs upstairs and hands me the box. I go in the bathroom and do my business. I walk out and Wyatt had changed the sheets.
"Thank u babe."
"Sure thing"
I walk downstairs and grab Advil out of the cabinet in the kitchen. Wyatt throws me a water bottle. I stand there and take my Advil. Wyatt walks up and hugs me from behind. I lay my head back and he plants a kiss on my cheek.
We go upstairs and lay down. Wyatt lays his head on my stomach while we watch a movie. I drift off to sleep and wake up later in Wyatt's arms.

I thought this was so cute 🥺

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