Harley Quinn 4

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You went to the break room, thankfully they were there.
"Gurl what's wrong with you?" Asked TT, "yeah you look drunk!" Skye added
You stared at them with a 'like duhh' facial expression.
They quickly realized, "woah did you get laid?" Skye asked slyly
"Eww no!"you replied they raised an eyebrow "well..almost.."
They gasped
"Omg girl you have to tell us about it!" TT demanded
"Oh umm..well the dude was Midas." You said trying to put the events in order
They stared at you wide eyed, you just rolled your eyes.
"Ok so it all happened today, I couldn't get Midas off my mind so I baked him some cookies, we had a nice talk, Harley comes in saying that she'll be out of town for the day, Midas invites me for a drink, we get hungover, we come back and I almost get laid, until his girlfriend calls saying that she is on her way back, we argue and now I'm here!" You said
"So like you two are back together?"they asked
"No, because Harley is his girlfriend." You reply, "I'm just gonna turn in."(go to sleep)
"K night" they said as I walked out of the room

You did you usual routine and laid on your back, you couldn't get Midas out of your head! (I mean like gurl you thought of him so much that you even dreamed of him 😒 lol)
In the morning
You woke up to banging on your door and shouting.
"Ok I'm coming geez!" You open the door to reveal a Harley with a face as red as a tomato, you giggled at the thought. "What?" You said straightening your face.
"WHAT HAPPENED BETWEEN YOU AND MIDAS LAST NIGHT!?" "Woah calm down and I'll explain." She then slapped you across the face leaving a mark.
"Dude I said I'll explain!" "Don't forget I'm 24 and you're only 19!" She said "yeah so, I'm turning 20 on y/b/d, which is only a few weeks away" you said with a smirk
"Tell me what y'all did now!" She yelled
"Ok, well we got drunk and made out." You said slamming the door in her face. She just stomped away angrily.
20 minutes later
You left your room and headed for breakfast.
You decided to have a break from being healthy and treated yourself with y/f/f and had y/f/d (or wine 🍷 lol).
As you headed back to your room to do some work you heard yelling, the voice was familiar, that's when you realized it was Harley's.
You decided to head to where it was coming from, Midas' office.
"YOU CHEATER!" Harley yelled
"Calm down I was drunk"
"Come on baby give me another chance."
"No that's what happened with y/n, she gave you way to many chances and this is how it ended."
I felt a sharp pain in my heart from hearing that.
"You know what.... w-we're over" she said quietly her voice cracking but loud enough for me to hear. "Oh and by the way, I WAS just using you for information, plus you're hot" she said winking at the last part.
I heard footsteps heading towards the door and just waited for the door to open.
"Ugh" Harley groaned when she looked at me
Then I looked at Midas and said "wow you're off, you just can't keep a girlfriend can you?" You said about to walk away until he grabbed your arm a pulled you into his office.
"I bet you heard everything?" He said locking the door
"You bet" you smirked
"What do you mean I can't keep a girlfriend?"
"I mean like I broke up with you and then Harley did."
"You never broke up with me, all you said was that maybe we shouldn't be together anymore." He said walking towards you
"Well that should tell you that I'm breaking up with you lol?" At this point he was standing right behind you.
"Oh come on, give me another chance please?" He begged
"Just imagine all the things we could do together!" He said placing his hands on your waist. "You know you want too..!" He said smirking against my neck as I shivered as the cold words on my neck.

Hi guys, sorry it took so long for this update I just needed a break. So I was wondering if y'all wanted them to get back together in like the next chapter or two or wait a couple of more chapters. Thank you for 700 views and thank you for reading my story I really appreciate it! 💖💝 luv y'all (no homo)

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