Beg for me

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You pushed him off of you "it won't be that easy to get me back you know." "Then what does it take?" He said with a smirk
You though for a bit and then said with a devilish grin while biting your lip "beg for me" he sighed and got down on his knees. "Please, you're a very beautiful girl and I'm a very handsome man we deserve to be together. I'm also sorry for doing that to you I'm an idiot for not realizing how perfect you are." "it's gonna take more than that" he began to speak but you put your finger over his lips "shh" you said and walked out.
2 hours later
"Agents please report to the challenge table there is a mission" Midas said into the ear piece
"Ugh" you groaned
As you were on your way to the challenge room you ran into Skye and TT
"Hey girls", "heyyyy" they replied
Y'all ended up having a conversation and walking there together
"Come on gurl take him back" TT said
"No I'm not making it that easy for him"
"So what does he have to do?" Asked Skye there was a brief pause until you said "he has to.. beg for me" you said and smirked they gasped
"Gurl you are so petty" TT rolled her eyes and laughed
"I know"
Y'all arrived at the challenge room. TT and Skye sat in their chairs but you stood.
Your chair was beside Midas' chair and you did not want to be near him.
"Well?" Meow said as he stood behind you
".... umm do you want to switch spots for today?"
"Y/n you know we can't M will be mad"
"But please.." you pleaded
"We know it's because you don't want to sit beside Midas" everybody said
"I'm sorry but it looks like you have to" meow said before pushing you to your seat and making you sit, Midas just smiled as he observed and you just scooted you're chair over.
"So this mission we will be paired with each other.." Midas said trailing off as he caught an idea "and if I don't call your name you will be here with me" he said glancing at me
'Crap I already know what's gonna happen' you thought rolling your eyes
"TT;Skye, Meow;Peely, Maya;Brutus" Midas said "I will send the mission to you when it is time."
You sighed
"Now I did this off of ranks, you are all paired with someone who is on the same rank as you.
"So that means that y/n is as good as you?" Maya said looking confused
"Yes, now is there a problem with that?" Midas said sternly
"Uh no sir" maya backed off
"You're all dismissed!"
Everybody left the room but Midas and I. "Can I leave" you said with and attitude
"Of course darling I never said you had to stay"
You got up and left
2 hours later
You just got back from your jog and took a shower. You decided to wear black leggings and a f/c long sleeve crop top and f/c combat boots and headed to the kitchen for a snack.
You grabbed a granola bar and Greek yogurt(or whatever you want to eat). As you headed back to your room Midas spoke on the ear piece for you to come to his office. When you got there he was looking down at some files with his glasses on. 'Dang he looks 10 times hotter in glasses, but he also looks like a nerd" you giggled.
"What's so funny love?"
"Oh should wear glasses more" you said winking, "anyway what do you want?"
"You" he stood up and leaned on his desk
"Oh do you"
"Yeah and I was kinda hopping that I could get her..?"
"Sorry but you'll have to work for her"
"Oh give me a break!" He said irritated "just take me back I said that I was sorry and I know you still want me baby"
You stood up "well sorry isn't enough!" You said about to walk out.
"Then what is?" He said with sympathy

What do y'all think she should say next lol. Thx for reading 💖💝 have a great day and be safe!

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