Training Evealuations

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Adara Merriman's P.O.V
I sat in a circle with my allies and waited for Lolly to come in and tell us about evaluations and stuff like that. I was nervous to get evaluated because if the judges hate me, the gamemakers will try and kill me. I knew I was too strong for them to kill me so they better just forget about it. Izzy whispered something to Jason and he laughed. I thought they hated each other, was something going on. I flashed a face at Izzy so she knew I noticed. She looked over at Jason and he nodded, I am assuming he meant that she could tell me. Izzy turned to me, "Me and Jason have made some changes, instead of Jason using a dagger, he will use a sword. Jason squinted his eyes at her, it reminded me of the face that 12 year old from district 4 always made, her name was Kayla. "Guys seriously I am NOT falling for that, why would you whisper about it anyways?" I said sounding stern. "That's not what Izzy said." Jason mumbled. "Then what did she say!?" I snapped. "We'll me and Jason decided that every night in the middle of the night we would go out and kill tributes, we thought you would not want to kill so we decided to keep it a secret. Sorry Adara." Izzy said quickly. "I would love to do that with you guys!" I said excitedly. "Then you're in!" Jason said with a smile then he leaned in towards me and we had a nice lovers kiss. Jason smiled and said "I love you so much." "I love you too." I replied. Jason was so sweet, he is my dream boy but I still think something is going on between him and Izzy because when we kissed she looked away and talked to Zoë and Emilia. Sometimes I felt jealousy when Izzy and Emilia hung out. But I have Jason, and that's all that matters. After like 1 hour of waiting for Lolly, she finally came. "Welcome tributes! Today is evaluation day! Evaluation day is the day where you go and show the judges what you are made of. At the end of evaluation, you will get scored a 1-6. A six being the highest and a one being the lowest, you will also know the top two tributes in the district. You will be picked randomly to go in so no special order! Good luck tributes and happy hunger games! Let the evaluations begin!" Lolly said.

Izzy Carr's P.O.V

After what seemed like forever, Lolly finally walked away. I never realized how annoying she was until then. When she left I turned back to Emilia. She was so sweet, so harmless. Emilia did not deserve this. She is going to die and I know it. So I am making sure she lives for as long as possible. I needed to talk to Adara and tell her I am not trying to be mean, I am trying to be kind to Emilia before she dies. I decided that that was the best decision to make at this time. Besides , we did not have much time to discuss because the evaluations were about to start. Lolly had finally appeared in the room again for the like 500th time and called the first tribute for the evaluation. " KAYLA HINKLE" she yelled. Kayla from district 4 with the squinty eyes and annoying personality stood up and said " I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!" And then followed Lolly out of the room. Jason looked at Adara and and made an impression of Kayla to cheer us up but neither of us were in the mood for laughing and we didn't think that we ever would again. We waited patiently in the silent room for a long time and trust me , it was not fun. Finally , we saw Kayla storm out of the room and yell : " I PROMISE I WILL KILL YOU IN THE GAMES AND YOU WILL ALL DIE SO BE AFRAID OF ME BECAUSE YOU ARE DEAD MEAT !! YOU WILL ALL DIE!!" Some peacekeepers took her to her seat and Adara and I waited for out turn after many NORMAL tributes went in and out. Lolly came in to the room and said some things will be changed for district 2. She will be pairing us up with a partner for the evaluations. She paired me up with Jason and Adara up with Zoë and Emilia was with a 12 year old from our district and she was weak but I guess she went well with Emilia. Jason pulled me to the side and I can not believe what he whispered in my ear.

Adara Merrieman's P.O.V

I saw Jason pull Izzy aside. I didn't know if he realized that I could hear him clearly. He leaned into Izzy and whispered. "Do wanna be my girlfriend?" Jason whisperd. "Are you kidding? I thought you were with Adara?" Izzy said. "No you're way pettier, and I never liked her, I just knew she was friends with you so I dated her so I could be with you." Jason said. "Umm wow thanks I guess." Izzy said. I was livid. Tears started to stream down my face, Jason was a player. I stormed over to him "Nice going Jason!" I screamed. I wish I could kill him now, but I knew I couldn't. I would take care of him later. Izzy had not done anything to help the problem. I decided to ignore him, totally block him out. After what seemed like forever, Lolly appeared. "Adara Meriman!" She cried. I put my game face on and walked into that room like there is no tomorrow, and yes it did occur to me that there may be no tomorrow. "Hi my name is Adara Merriman, I'm from district 2 and I will be showing you my archery skills!" I said. The head gamemaker nodded so I began. Three moving targets appeared. I fired my arrow at all of the arrows- bullseye every time. "Adara your time is up, thank you." The head gamemaker said. I nodded and exist the room. I felt powerful inside. I would kill Jason in the games, he deserves it for being a player.

Izzy Carr's P.O.V

I could still not believe Jason wanted to be with me! I hate him still, I am going to pretend to be in love with him so I kill him, urge now I have so much to explain to Adara. I walked over to Adara and she did not even look up at me! "Izzy I already know your with Jason, I don't care!!!" Adara yelled. "Adara I have a plan, and I need you to be in on it." I said. "Finehe , what!?" Adara screamed. "Okay let's agree to stop fighting all the time, we are going in to the FREAKING HUNGER GAMES and we need to stop disagreeing all the time, also I am not trying to ditch you for Emilia, she's going to die and we BOTH know that. I am trying to protect her and be kind to her before she dies. And the last thing, I know you herd what Jason said to me earlier, and I don't like him- in fact I hate him, so we can kill him together!" I said. Adara was smiling and nodding her head. "Let's do this!" Adara said we broke out into a hug and apologized. We were interrupted by Lolly, and she cried "Up next, we have Isabelle Carr!" As I passed her I said, "It's Izzy." She nodded and went back to work. As I walked into the room I saw the head gamemaker and a few other important people. "Hello Isabelle-excuse me IZZY, welcome." I nodded, why did everyone call me Isabelle is my birth certificate clearly says: IZZY CARR. Izzy can technically be a name because it has two vowels, I and y. I said to my mini audience, "I'm Izzy, 13 years of age, district 2."I started. "I will be showing you my skills with an axe today!" I finished. "Your five minutes start now!" The gamemaker said. I nodded and picked up an axe. Three moving targets moved my way. At the first target I swung the axe over my shoulder it landed on bullseye. I ran towards the second target. This time, I threw my ax and again, bullseye! Finally on the third target I threw my axe once again. Bullseye! I felt pretty confident that I could possibly be the one to get a six. The gamemaker finally said, "perfect timing Izzy!, but yes your time is now up!" I nodded and walked out of the room. I went over to Adara and we chatted until Lolly came out for the results! "Okay now let's get started with district one! Randi-6 Vanessa-5 Pear-4 and Rachel-2! District two! A tie is between Izzy and Adara of a 6, Clayton 5 and Blake 2! District three, Jones-5, Bart-4, Mia-2, and Lucy-1! District four, Matthew-5, Jason-4, Kaya-3, and Macy-2! District 5, Macy-6, Bruce-4, Nason-3, and Dimand-1! District six, Steven-6, Lucas-5, Daisy-4, Zoë-3, and Emilia-1!, Congratulations tributes, and may the odds be EVER in your favor!" Lolly finally finished. I was so happy Adara and I got a six! We basically have the highest district scores. Emilia ran over to me and hugged me tightly. This little girl should not be here! She is like my little sister. And when she dies, my heart will shatter. If I win, I will give half of my money to her family in district six, Zoë's family will get some money but of course Adara's family back in two.

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