Our sick little sun

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Hinata prospective

ACHOO" Hinata sneezes while laying on his bed. " why did I know this was going to happen."

When Hinata finally has the strength to stand up he starts to head to the bathroom to check his temperature.

" oh crap" Hinata looks at the terminator and prays that it's wrong. It was not he had a temperature of 104°F ( that's a really bad cold just so you know) that's probably why he felt like collapsing when he walked. His parents were at a business meeting out of town. They will be there for the next couple of days and my little sister is at our grandma's while they are out. So I was all alone with a very bad temperature.

I sighed then started to walk back to my room. Then that's when it happened -thump-

I had fallen down and rolled my ankle. That's great now I have a bad favor and a rolled ankle. I limp back to my bed and lay down thinking of how I was going to get to practice in time. And also play with a rolled ankle. That's when I heard my phone go off. I looked at my phone, it was Kenma!

K: hey want to come over after practice

H: sorry I can't I have a fever so after I go to practice I'm just going to go home

K: why are you still going to practice if you have a cold!

H: everyone else is working hard so just because I have a cold I still have to go

K: no you stay there, are your parents home at lest to take care of you and also to not let you go?

H: no I'm home alone for the next few today's and you won't have to worry about me I will fine at practice

K: that's it I'm coming over right now don't move a muscle

H: you don't have to do that

K: don't worry I'm coming right now you stay put

H: ok see you in like an hour

K: see you

I put down the phone then sigh, why won't he just let me go to practice! Then all of a sudden the room started to spin and I felt like I was going to throw up. And I did, it went all over my hardwood floor in my room. Then after that, I fell asleep after all of the pain in my stomach.

~two hours later~

When I woke up I saw Kenma's worried face right next to my leg looking at my rolled ankle.

" When did you do this," he asks in a worried voice

" When I got up to take my temperature," said while I was still waking up

" what was your temperature," he asked while putting a cold towel on my forehead

" I think it was 104°F," I said ready for him to freak out


I smiled at him " well ya I need to be able to play you in an official match someday right"

Kenma's prospective

I blushed hard when I saw his cute little face looking at me. My face was all red, how could someone that cute be in this world among all of the bad people. He really is an angle

" ya, " I said then started to wrap up his ankle

After I was done he had fallen asleep again and his hand was squeezing on mine. I smiled at his cuteness then was trying to leave when his hand would not let go of me.
I smiled again and decided to lay down in the bed with him. I put my arms over him and started to fall asleep. He was so warm and his hair was like a soft pillow. I soon also fell asleep next to him trying to keep my little sunshine warm.

When I woke up there was banging at the door. I struggled to get out of his hand grip on my hand. When I did I started to go downstairs to open the door.

When I did I saw Kageyama standing there. Hey what do you need" I said in a confused way

" Why are you at his house, " Kageyama said in a harsh tone

" shoyo has a fever so I came here to help him, " I said calmly

"DON'T YOU CALL HIM BY HIS NAME," he said as he lunged at me

" what are you doing" I started to yell at him but he did not answer

Had he gone insane what was he doing? What if shoyo saw him doing this!

I managed to get out of his grasp and close the door. I locked it straight away and herd banging at the door. It went on for a good ten minutes till it stopped and I saw him walk away.

I had a sigh of relief and head back upstairs to tend to shoyo

When I got back up there he seemed to be looking better so I took his temperature and it was back down to a 99. I left him one of my ankle braces and left for home so my parents would not worry.

As I walked to the train station I remembered be cuddled up with shoyo and started to blush. I wish I could have been there all day. He was so warm. Then when I got to the train station I was interrupted by a ding on my phone.it was shoyo

H: Thanks for taking care of me and also for the ankle brace you really are amazing kenma

K: no problem but you owe me some practice with the volleyball

H: deal let's do it next Saturday

K: ok looking forward to it

I put my phone away and got on the train excited to finely get some alone time with Hinata outside of him being sick

Hinata prospective

When I put down my phone I started to hear a knock at the door. When I opened it I was very surprised

Why were they here!

I left you on another cliff hanger 😝 I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope that you will be exited for the next one. Anyway byeeeeee

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