Knife Fight

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Hinata's prospective

Lev" now then let's get you back to the house, you do have a hurt ankle after all" after he said that he started to move faster to make sure no one would spot us.

I started to kick my feet to slow him down but, it did not work. I struggled to try to get free of this evil man's grip. But it was no use, he had too much of a tight grip on me. There was nothing I could do. I started to cry, tears felt as I knew what would happen when we got home. It was like a lamb to the Slotter there was nothing I could do. Then I felt my eyelids become heavy. As I felt my body relax and go into a deep slumber.

When I woke up I instantly got scared. I looked around the room, that's when I saw... Nothing.

No one was here? I could have sworn, was it just a dream? Then I looked at my bedside table. It was Ushijima's phone! So what about today was real and what was fake? I got up and started to look around at my house.

No one was here? I was here by myself, again. That's what someone knocked at the front door. I got really scared, could it be lev were my dreams preparing me for the future. But I was surprised to see Kageyama standing outside of my door.

I open it and look at him confused as hell.

"Hey I brought you sushi," Kageyama said with a smile.

"Really! Thanks, Kageyama you're the best, " I said then smiled really brightly.

We went over to the kitchen and started to set out the sushi. I could not get one of the containers open nether could Kageyama so he took a knife to cut it open.

That's when I noticed something

"Hey Kageyama," I said looking at the knife

"Hmm," he said while putting the sushi ok the table.

"Why does this knife have ketchup on it?" I asked then looked at him

" ahh I had a burger today and cut it in half there was a lot of ketchup on it though so it got on the knife," he said then smiled a really creepy smile

" ok want me to wash it off," I said while grabbing the knife.

"NO," he said the grabbed the knife.

That's when I looked at my fingers, he had cut me with the blade when he had grabbed it. And the color of my blood and the ketchup on the knife looked too similar. It was strange...

"I'm so sorry to let me get you bandaids," he said then ran upstairs with the knife.

I looked back at my hands now covered in blood, then kept on remembering the color of the "ketchup" on the knife.

He was about to think of something when Kageyama came back with the bandaids and started to wrap up my fingers that he had cut. After he did that we started to eat, and things seemed to go back to normal.

The rest of the day seemed normal enough. We played card games, talked for a little bit, watched some movies, and he even carried me all over the house whenever I was about to move he would just bring me where I wanted to move. It was nice.

Then we started to watch a movie on the couch again. We were on separate ends of the couch watching the movie. But I noticed that he slowly moved closer to me inch by inch. Was he doing this on purpose or not?

Then all of a sudden he took me and placed my head on his lap. I did not like it that much but his grip was to wrong for me to escape. So I just sat there with my head on his lap watching the movie. That's when everything went black and I fell asleep again.

When I woke up I was in my bed all tucked in. Then I remembered what had happened last night and had a sigh of relief. Now I was not trapped in his lap and I could move freely. As I started to stand up I notice that I could walk around a little so I put my ankle brace on to see if I could walk normally with it on. And I could! It was perfect timing too because it was Wednesday and we had a practice game today! So I started to get my clothes so I could go to school for the first time in what felt like forever.

When I was walking around my room I noticed some things. Some of my pencils were gone and I had a few towels missing. Not to mention that I also had a few underwear missing too. was I just imagining it?

I shook it off and started to head to school excited to finally see the team.

When I got to school a lot of people asked where I was and I told them I had a fever. I did not want to say anything else, just in case the may tell the staff about my ankle and they won't let me play. So I played it safe and just told then about the fever.

I was excited to play volleyball, it had felt like a million years since I have played it!

When I started to walk to the gym I realized that I had not seen Kageyama yet? He must already be in the gym. In that case, it will be a surprise! I started to skip to the gym happy to be back and be able to play.

When I opened the doors I expected to see Kageyama practicing and he would also be shocked that I was here!

But what I got was something way worse.


The tea is starting to heat up! I hope you are enjoying the book! And I did post this before midnight so it does count. Thank you!

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