He Is Still Out There

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Hinata's prospective

As I cried harder into Ushijima's chest I said

"Thank you, for making me feel safe."

The words he said just keep ringing in my head over and over again. The words he said made me feel safe like no one would be able to touch me when I am with him.

After I cried for a while we started to walk in comfortable silence. When we reached my house I just realized that we were holding hands. My face became hot and I started to blush hard. He realized that I was blushing and chuckled. When we went into my house we sat on the couch. He laid down then I laid down on top of him putting my head on top is his chest.

I began to cry again, thinking of how the one person I trusted most, had just betrayed me. But when I started to cry again I felt a hand go through my hair. It was very soothing. The feeling of his hand in my hair made me feel safe again like I could just cry it out and he would not judge me. So that's what I did I cried for hours into his chest, leaving tear stains in his shirt. But he did not complain even once. This made me feel better like I had someone else that I could trust. After hours of crying, I felt my eyelids get heavy. That's when I closed them and fell into a deep slumber.

Ushijima prospective

When I noticed that his cries had stopped I look at my scared little sun. He looked exhausted from today's events. That's when I started to replay what I saw under the tree again and again and again. That's when I had a thought. What if I had not gone to get my phone and not seen him. When I started to imagine what could have happened my usual stern face with no emotion started to have a sad look on it.

For the first time in years, I had shown an emotion. I was even shocked myself. I looked back down at Hinata and could not help but put my arms around him and squeeze him. As long as I had him in my grip I could protect him.

That's when I made a vow. I will always be there for him even if we are miles apart. Even if I confess then he rejects me I will still be there for him. Even if he wants me dead I will still be there for him, because that's how much I love him.

I felt my Hinata's body begin to shiver, he must be cold it is fall. I grab my jacket from the coffee table right next to us and trape it over him. After that, I felt his shivering stop and I smiled.

I felt my eyelids also become heavy, I stay awake as long as possible taking in the moments I had with Hinata by myself. But when I could not hold them open any longer I let them shut. And not long after I start to drift off to blackness. But no longer was it just blackness there was light from the sun. I could see my dreams. I was having the best night's sleep I ever had. But all good things must come to an end, and this was no exception.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing, I checked to see who it was. It was 119. I answered the phone and started to hear what they had to say.

"Hello is this Hinata," the lady on the phone said

"No mam he is asleep but I can give him the information that he needs, " I said then waited for a response.

" thank you, sir, would you please be so kind   as to bring Hinata to the station we need to ask him some questions," she said in a very kind voice

" yes we can come over there right now mam," I said then started to pout knowing I have to wake him up.

"Thank you, sir, we will see you soon," she said then hanged up.

I closed up his phone then looked down at him one more time. I blushed a lot he really was hot as fuck.

That's when I started to shake him. But he did not move a mussel. I shook him a little harder but he still did not move. That's when I only had one option left. I leaned over and kissed him on the check.

That's when he got up face dark red as he looked at me. I started to get up and said

" We need to go to the station to answer some questions."

He nodded his head then started to get up. Not long after I got up. He took a shower then changed after he was done he got the shower ready for me and also got some of his dads clothes for me too. I thanked him then took a shower and also changed my clothes.

As I came downstairs Hinata was getting his shoes on and I did the same as well. We started our long, silent, amazing walk to the police station.

At the police station

As we walked in there was a lady at the desk.

" Hello are you Hinata, " she said looking at me.

" no mam I'm the man from the phone this is Hinata," I said then pointed at him.

" How old it he just need to know for later." She asked ready for an answer like 6 or 7.

" he is 16 years old a first-year, " I said them loved seeing how shocked she was.

I looked down at Hinata and he loved to see how shocked she was too.

After that, we were put into a room where we were asked questions about what happened last night.

After we were done Hinata asked, " Did you find him, is he in jail?"

The policeman looked at Hinata he had such a scared facial expression. But the policeman knew he had to tell the truth.

" We did not find him, he is still out there."

This was yesterday's chapter I fell asleep while doing it -_-. I will be doing two chapters today!!!!! So get ready for the second one later on tonight. So I hoped you enjoyed by!

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