I Was Wrong.........So Very Very Wrong

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Hinata prospective

As I started to drive myself insane I heard a knock on the door, that snapped me out of my thinking.

"Come in," I said this time, not in a happy tone but in a confused tone.

It was Kageyama! I did a sigh of relief as I knew I could trust him.

" Hey I just wanted to say I'm sorry, .......I started the fight." He said as he sat down.

My face went pale I was wrong all I thought was right was all wrong. I just did something terrible. When I was about to unleash my anger on him he continued.

" I only attacked him because he was saying bad stuff behind your back, like how your gay and how you're the saddest excuse for a human being that he had ever seen." He continued has his hands went into fists.

I felt like crying why would he very say stuff like that behind my back. He had always been mean but in a playful way. Now he was actually being mean.

He saw I was almost crying and started to put his hands into fists more. He was probably as shocked as I was. That's probably why he attacked him because you would never do that to a teammate no matter the events.

That's when I started to cry, that's how he really felt. He saw me as a gay freak who should just die. I was about to say sorry to Kageyama but

He pulled me into a hug, and tightly squished me.

" that guy does not deserve your tears if you start to cry he will think he had won. Don't let him win please." Then he let me out of the hug and wiped away my tears.

All I could do is smile, I'm so lucky to have a friend like him. He has my back and would never betray me. No matter what.

After lunch, I went back to the class which went well. I had a lot of homework to do but I could get it done with some help.

After school, I went to the gym finally happy that I get to play volleyball! To me, it felt like I have not played it in months. But in reality, it's only been a few days.

When I got there I noticed no one was there? Where was everyone? I thought we had practice today and usually, Kageyama is here by now and the others come a few minutes later. That's when I remembered that they can't play volleyball for the next week. After I remembered that I got sad. I'm going to have to walk alone for the next week.

What is someone tries to kill me, they try to kidnap me, they try to steal my bike!

While I was thinking of what could go wrong the team started to come to the gym.

They all said hi and then we started to practice. It felt great to be in the gym hitting spikes and just having fun with the team I love most.

After practice noya came up to me and apologized like there was no tomorrow. I could tell that he felt bad about how he knocked me over, but I reassured him that I was doing fine and we would go to nationals.

Suga also came up to me and asked if my ankle was ok from this morning. I also reassured him that it felt fine and I was glad to be back.

After everyone said how happy they are that I'm back we changed and I started to clean up. It was my cleaning day and Kageyama was supposed to do it with me but because he can't do club activities for a week I had to do it by myself. Everyone offered to help me but I said I could do it alone.

It was about 30 minutes since everyone left and I was done cleaning. I got changed and headed home. When I went to the bicycle rack to get my bike it was gone? Could someone really have stolen it? That's when I heard footsteps

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