Train Ride

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I stay by the window for a few moments, without uttering a single word. The thought of knowing that I'm only wasting what little time I have left, makes me pull away from the dark forest view beyond the window. I discover that while standing by the window I've been sweating like crazy and am now covered in it, making my clothes to stick to skin. The damp feelings makes me shiver with discomfort.

"Should probably get changed" I mutter under my breath. I lazily cross the room and open up the wardrobe where I observe the abundance of warm and well-made clothes. After ruffling through the wardrobes content, I settle on a deep-blue wooled jumper, soft stretchy jeans and a pair of loosely tied boots. I place the new set of clothes down on the bed and the boots by its foot, before closing the wardrobe and making my way into the private en suite that's just left of my bed.

The bathroom consists of a large shower, a pair of sinks with mirrors and a storage unit packed different shampoos and conditioners, as well as a toilet in the far corner. I pull my worn cotton shirt over my head and let it fall to the pristine, tiled floor. I look right in front of me and stare at the mirror, at my reflection. In a day or so my personal stylist and prep team will remake me until I barely look recognisable. All the scars from hard hours of work out in the scorching fields of 9. Every scabbed over bug bite or scratch. Any and every piece of unwanted body hair. It will all be removed and erased.

So now while I'm still whole, still me, I take my time to study my face and my body. Remembering every imperfection that covers my flaky soon to be smooth skin before I'm remade. I focus on my eyes, hazelly brown with flecks of gold and green, the only thing I'm sure they won't change. Unless they force me to wear contacts or carve some bizarre pattern right into my pupils.

After 10 minutes of thoroughly studying my thin frame and every detail down to the tee, I rub my red eyes which are sore from holding back tears. I shake my head also as if the literally shake the thought out of my mind. 'No need to worry about something you can't change' I hear the quiet voice of reason whisper from within my brain. No matter how hard I try to protest, I know the voice is right, may as well get on with things while I'm still alive and functioning. I turn the gold dial on the right side of one of the sinks completely to the right. A strong jet of crystal clear water rapidly pulses out of the faucet and into the basin. The currents so strong it sends splatters of water droplets onto the nearby floor tiles and walls. After adjusting the dial I manage to tame the waters flow back to a more calming and slower pace.

Without further adjustments or actions, I scoop up some clean water in my palms and bring it up to my face, massaging the cool liquid onto my face. The coldness of the water fights against the warmth of my sunburnt skin makes the hairs on the back of my neck to stick up rigidly at all angles. Going against my body's discomfort, I scoop up more water and apply to my neck, allowing the droplets to aimlessly slide down my chest and towards my stomach.

I step back from the basis and strip of the remained of my clothes, before returning back to my temporary bedroom. Once near the bed side I lean back, allowing my bare body to flop down onto the bed and the unblemished sheets that lay atop.

The silky texture of the blankets slip seamlessly against my skin, creating a soft indent around my body. My stomach grumbles from within me, a small pinching sensation starting in my gut and rises past my ribs. A random thought fights its way to the front of my mind. While I was stood by the window Lymit mentioned something about food being served in a short while in the dining car.

I sit up so quickly that my vision goes all blurry. A strong pressure against my head makes it feel like my skull is caving in on itself. When the pressure gets too strong, it practically forces my body back down on the bed. Before another attempt, I wait for the pressure to subside a little. Then once my head feels a lot less heavy, I slowly raise it off of the bed until I'm in a sitting position. Though the pain has lessen, I can feel the pressure slowly creeping back to me. Raising my index and middle finger, I start to gentle massage the sides of my forehead in hopes that it will help sooth the steadily increase pain. At first the only thing that the action is aiding is my irritation. Then after a few seconds I can feel the calming affects as they wash over my body, the once growing pain slowly eroding away until its barely noticeable. Even though the pain has subsided, I continue on massaging for a extra few moments to ensure that the pain wont return.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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