Chapter 9 (Z)

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'C'mon seriously you have to be present for the interview'. Ben said through the phone.

Ben jacobs has always been, one of my very good friends as well as my business manager, he manages the little business criterias in the city for me when im unavailable.

'I will be there,and not because of my father but because its my responsibility, that old man just gets on ny nerves'.I told him while getting ready.

I already put on my tie and wrist watch,then i looked at my wrist watch to check the time,it showed 9:15am
'Shit what did you say the interview starts.' I asked him.
'Uh it starts at exactly 10am,get here as fast as you can Zander, We need the boss'. He said.

"Yeah yeah,im on my way". I said, rushing towards the door only for the bell to ring, curious i opened the door to find the last person i will ever think about,

Alexandria Davis.

"Alex,what are you doing here" i asked her trying to pry my way around her to get to the elevator.

She just shrugged and wrapped her arms around my arms.
"Im sure your dad told you,you are having a meeting with my father today at your office". She said,

"SHIT i forgot about that and why are you here in my apartment". I asked, while i pressed the button to the elevator and it just dinged and opened, i stepped in and she walked in and pranced towards me again to hold my arms.

"We have a meeting too,my father wants me there,so i figured why not come to you and we can go together and people can see us walking hand in hand and know that we are together" se said ,holding my arms again.

"Alex ,you know we are not together anymore ,dont you get it, all we had was just a moment,A moment of my weakness and you were there Alex, i dont know how or why you cooked up a whole kind of fantasy that you just seem so involved in,Look i dont love you Alexandra, Just tell your father to sign the papers okay". I said in an exasperated tone,

"Zander darling ,i know what we had was just a moment but it was more than a moment for me,i love you zander,i fell im love with you thats why i told my dad that we should get married,we are kinda in the age of marriage ,dont you think". She was saying while the elevator chimed open and we got out but she didnt remove her arms from mine.

"Lets just go,im late as it is now but Alex we need to talk more about this".

We got outside and i saw my chauffeur has brought the car around,
"Francis,thank you,i will drive myself today". I told him while he opened the passenger side door for Alexandra to get in.

"No problem sir".

I got in and turned on the ignition key ,

"Fuck i dont think i will make it in time for the interview "i said looking at the time on the analog clock and saw it read 10:45 and i speed up to the office.

I looked to my right and saw Alexandra looking at me more like watching me,What the hell was she looking at me for,
"Alexandra why are you looking at me, its fucking creepy can you stop,its annoying". I asked her ,looking at the road again,stopping at a red light.

"Nothing just Nothing, sorry ".she turned to the window looking outside, The traffic light changed to green i sped off to the office.

Oh great, im sure father is already throwing tantrums on how im always late and never take things seriously.
That man

Damn i miss Liliana now,i wonder how she is doing, i have to call her today,im sure she is getting settled in new york.

I miss her. My train of thoughts focused only on Liliana. Her hair,her lips,her eyes,her body in the gown she wore that night,her smile.

Till we meet again "Agapi mou".


Its sure taking me alot of time to write this book.

Sigh im sorry.


Have been dealing with Writer's block for a while now
I just thought of more ideas to do on this book.

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