Chapter 6

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I yawn as I look over to Dean on the floor. He refused to sit on the bed with me. I look at the clock. 2:15. I yawn again before looking at the tv which is playing The Office.

"Dean, it's two in the morning. You need to go to Renee." I look over to him and he looks at me. "I'm not going anywhere if that's what you're worried about."

"You're not. You just got back, you can't let this get you to take off again." I nod. "Look, I have no idea what you're feeling because I haven't been through this. But your career can't take you walking away again."

I nod as he starts getting ready to leave. I walk him to my door, opening it. After he walks through it, I look up to him. "I almost didn't come back." A sad look flashes on his face before he nods. I hug him and he walks out.

I shut the door and lean my back against it, sliding down. I take a deep breath as I look around. I shake my head a little before getting up. I slide on a pair of sneakers and grab my keys. I find my phone and slide it into one of the pockets on my pajama shorts before I make my way out of my room.

I walk down the hall until I stand in front of the elevator. I press the button and sigh. A few moments later, the elevator dings and the doors open. I step in, seeing Sheamus. I look to the buttons, seeing the floor level pressed.

"Which floor ya going lass?" I look over to the Irishman I once couldn't stand.

"Floor. I'm actually leaving the hotel." He nods.

"In ya pajamas?" He raises his eyebrows at me as I laugh.

"Yeah, I didn't quite feel like changing. Just going to the gym a few streets over." The elevator dings again, and I step out. "What about you, what are you up to Shea?"

He steps out and shrugs. "Just walking around a bit. Can't sleep, but you know how that is." I nod at him. "So uh, what happened back there lass?"

I stop walking and look back at him. Normally I never say no to the gym, but this time... "Why don't we sit down over there and talk?" I nod my head towards a table with two chairs near the entrance.

"Ya sure lass? Seemed like you were really wantin' out." His voice sounds sincere as he studies me.

"I wanted to, yeah. But now I want to talk."

We make our way over there, and he pulls out a seat for me.


I look at the clock on my phone one more time. 6:30. I look over at the sleepy Irishman across from me.

"We've been talking for almost four hours, Shea." I chuckle as he smiles.

"It's been great lass. Honestly, I'm shocked ya even wanted to sit with me."

I nod. "I think I've been unfair to you. At least you didn't stoop as low as Elias." His eyes meet mine. "I almost left earlier. I would have been headed to the gym, then honestly I probably would have left."

"Yeah, Finn told me you said you almost didn' come back."

"I told Finn that I almost wish I stayed away. I'm not as into this as I was." I sigh as I look behind me, seeing a few people here and there as they start their days.

"Maybe you're just-"

"Heartbroken?" I look back to him as I cut him off. I shrug. "Maybe."

"If you leave, what are you going to do?"

I sigh and try to think about how to word my answer. Suddenly laughter sounds off behind me as the elevator door opens. It slowly dies down and I look behind me seeing my sister and the trio. I turn back to Sheamus and sigh again. "Probably go back to school, maybe online this time."

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