Part 1.

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My work consist in three simple tasks.



Don't get noticed under any circumstances.

With none of my clients I had failed those. They only have to live their lives as they wish. If they make any fail we will help, if they need something they just have to ask for it, and the day that they don't need me anymore it's when my work turns into the must satisfactory one of them all. The rule is, after one client another one will come, repeating the cycle over and over again. In this company they are the priority of my existence, or so the upper ones told us when we were just toddlers. By trying to not get detected we have to perform everything silently and with them not knowing who we are among the multitude. Our work is to make them hear us without being heard.

The company Works like this. My 'root' it's the must stressing and ungrateful of all, as said before, we protect, help, fix the unfixing without them knowing you were there and then flee the moment you get the opportunity to do so. There is when the ones in charge for the rest of the persons, that aren't really clients, get in. Kind of taking over our job but in a less invested time and effort. They are just there to tell the boss what's happening among, the future and old, clients but not only their problems but also our fails, snitching rats... Others have to get standardized so they can pass the rules and tasks from our boss. They are the messengers, only ones able to talk freely with any of the clients, and the ones that the boss has all control. We all have seen the boss multiple times, he is the one who assigns to each one of us who our next client is, either himself or using his puppets, sometimes, just sometimes I'm glad that I'm not from any other root. For my root our clients are always, in some way like my boss calls them, very special beings. It's an honour to be selected by him and his love for the clients is indisputable, that love is transferred to our clients through us, making even us feel the same strength to protect them.

It's actually somehow disturbing but I don't have a choice here. And the fact that we can't know the name of our clients makes it more weird and hard to work with, and they just saying that, in that way we won't get too attached to them, doesn't count as an excuse. Everytime someone calls them it's like they are censored by a random noise, our client being the only one that we can hear it from and that rarely happens, considering that we can't talk to them directly and the gist of it is that they have to be directing their word to us. Just a trick so we can't know it for sure. Which if we get to know we are sent to the boss, knowing too much is against the rules, they say. Our clients end up being numbers to us, simply "tags" that make the differences from one another. That's sick in so many levels.

I'm not a rebel, at least not anymore, don't get me wrong. I like my job and I like people! It's just sometimes not rewarding at all, and the after effects of your success or failure in helping your client affect you the most.

From the hundreds of clients that i had only a few had really impress me. I've loved them with the same passion as my boss's, well i've tried at least. Some of them can be frustrating and ungratefuls, even more if your signs don't reach them, I sincerely don't know if they ignore everything around them on purpose or our training is freaking effective on them. It's like our jobs mean shit to them and I hate it...

That's why I have a notebook now so I can take notes of everything that I did wrong. To remember all those moments I could have done something and didn't. But also, to remember all those moments when I was happy beside my client, even when those moments were from far away they're very precious to me.

Never have I needed to go to the extremes of physically intervene around them but, as I said before, some clients can really impress me. And here is where my client 626 story's begins.

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