Part 2.

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"Your job... It's the hardest, cruel and ungrateful of all. You were selected for being the best among the rest in your latest lessons. Your 'clients' are your priority, your life. From now on they are the only happiness you'll be concerned of. Your abilities are limited but powerful, that's why you can only use them if it's extremely necessary and no more. Each one of you is special for only you can use those powers, and only you can use this unique ability developed different for each one. May you, chosen ones, use them with wisdom and always in favor of your clients, never for your selfishness. Now, the elections of your first clients can begin... come, my children's, and you shall get your very first job."

I shut open my eyes, out of breath and restless. That damn dream again. I got up and went straight to the bathroom, last night was the worst I had in a while and all because of him. I decided to go to sleep early so I could go to the offices and make my complain but that fucking drea... memory ruined the little enthusiasm that I had.

A big part of my comrades would think that being selected as a... whatever we are, it's a privilege and a great opportunity to get closer with the upper classes, but for me it was a sentence of losing my complete freedom. I trained my whole life to be the only thing that I don't want to be, but like I said I don't have that much of an option here.

As soon as I was ready to go I got my keys and exited my temporary apartment. I gotta say, this is the finest of all the domes I have lived in so far... shame that I can't stay here all I want. My locations are always just a block from my clients, fact that never bothered me untill today when I was trying my hardest to not be detected by the prick that I call 626. I walked fast past his house and looked always straight avoiding my sides and back. I was relieved when I finally got far away and looked back to see if there were any signs of him being in there but considering that it was 6 a.m. it was probably the opposite. It felt weird trying to avoid someone that you are supposed to guard all the time, but if I didn't do this I was gonna go crazy any minute. Sighting in relief I turned back to the road I was about to take when a body collapsed with mine.

"Oh, I'm sorry, uhm... " It's really weird all of this, how didn't I see them? I don't like it.

"James, my angel, and it's a pleasure to bump into you like this." the person said smirking and looking me up and down. How in the hell... ?

"What are you looking at?" I asked just overly done with him and I just saw him. What was he doing at this hour?

"Just admiring you that's all." He said smiling and winking at me in witch response I just fake gagged "Can I ask where is my angel going at this hours?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I said and crossed my arms in defensiveness. "And don't talk to me in that way, or even better don't talk to me anymore." I stated as I began to walk past him and again he began to follow me. I turned around and just like the day before he was there smirking.

"Why are you following me?" I asked about to lose it. He giggled and said under his breath "déjà vu." I just rolled my eyes to his joke.

He shrugged and signaled to his mouth making a silence sign smiling slyly, I sighted in annoyance and told him that he could talk to me. Big mistake.

"You told me to not talk to you. You didn't say anything about following you." Smartass, I thought, but frowned and closed my eyes. This brat is going to follow me even if I yell at him, isn't he? I put my hands in my temples trying to think something that could get me out of this predicament. If this child follows me to the offices I'm doomed, but my thoughts were interrupted, I felt something extremely warm against my hands noticing now that they were freezing, the cold emanating from the mountains of snow around us being the responsible.

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