→ new friend pt. 2

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it's been a couple of days ever since the game and i've barely talked to zach at all. he did try to call me a couple of times but i always found excuses to avoid them.

i even skipped one day of school, telling my parents that i was feeling unwell.

however, i realised that i couldn't avoid zach forever. i also couldn't avoid the fact that zach could be interested in another girl forever.

so i dragged myself to school, although all i wanted to do was cry in my bed like i have been for the past days.

i was able to avoid zach all throughout my first classes, and i was about to spend lunch in the library but jess was practically dragging me to the cafeteria.

i followed her as she grabbed food, which i didn't because i haven't been able to eat anything properly for the past few days.

i walked behind jess as she made way to our usual table. "y/n, you're back!" scott exclaimed when we arrived.

i gave him a smile, eyeing the table for a spot to sit in. i cursed mentally when i realised that everyone was sitting in their usual spots, which meant that i had to sit next to zach.

i sat down slowly, taking my time. "where were you yesterday?" zach said the moment i sat down.

i glanced at him quickly, and looked away when i realised he was looking straight at me. "i was sick." i answered.

i looked around the table, about to strike a conversation with monty who was across from me when zach spoke again.

"why have you been ignoring my calls?" his voice was stern, and i had to go through my brain to look for an answer.

"i was trying to use my phone less."

i heard him sigh, and i knew that he was hurt. i looked at him, about to come up with something to make it seem like there was nothing going on with me.

"did may's boyfriend end up coming over?" i started, referring to last week when he said that may's boyfriend was going to come over.

he faced me and looked at me. i tried my best to keep his eye contact, because that's what normal friends with no feelings do.

he shook his head. "may didn't want him to come over, something about her being scared i'd scare him away."

i forced a laugh, but he didn't budge, a frown still covering his face. he faced forward, diverting his attention to his food.

i gulped, wondering if he really was bothered because of me. "you okay?" i asked him, poking his shoulder.

he glanced at me quickly. "you're obviously going through something and it sucks that you don't trust me enough to tell me what's going on." he continued poking his food.

"i'm fine, zach." i stuttered.

he sighed once more, keeping his eyes on his food. i realised that there was something worst than looking at zach with hannah- the sight of zach upset.

"let's watch a movie after school." i blurted out, catching his attention.

he faced me, his eyebrows shooting up in confusion. "my house or crestmont?"

i shrugged. "you choose."

a small smile made its way to his face, and he glanced at his watch. "i have to go meet coach," he said while stuffing his mouth with the rest of his food.

once he did he quickly took his backpack and left his seat, saying goodbye to the rest of the table. i let out a breath once he left, the whole interaction with zach having me on the edge of my seat.

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