→ bet

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my mouth dropped open when i saw the phone screen, my whole body freezing completely.

this can't be happening. this cannot be happening.

"y/n, are you okay?" i felt lindsay, my best friend's hand on my shoulder.

my eyes was stuck on her phone screen, a picture of me and zach at the diner last week filling up the screen.

it was obvious that we were kissing, and all i wanted was for the ground to swallow me whole.

zach dempsey asked me out last week, and although i was beyond skeptical at the start i went with him anyway.

him and his group of friends didn't really have the best reputation when it comes to girls.

turns out i was right to be skeptical because my doubts about him turned into reality.

i looked through the messages sent with the picture, and i could feel my body shaking when i saw what they were saying about me.

most of them were just people shi.t talking, but one caught my attention.

'winner winner, zach dempsey just won a bet.'

i locked lindsay's phone, handing it over to her. my body was filled with rage, but i was also overwhelmed with the feeling of sadness and disappointment.

i was the stupid one to have fallen for the infamous zach dempsey.

i've fallen for the jokes he made during our 'date'. i've fallen for the way he grinned, the way his voice is when he calls me to say goodnight.

i've fallen for his morning texts and his jokes that he texts me throughout the day for the past week.

i quickly said goodbye to lindsay and stormed down the hallway, knowing full well that people were looking at me.

i ignored their stares, making my way towards the front doors of the school.

my breath came into a halt when i saw zach walking towards where i was. i contemplated on turning around but i just wanted to go home at this point.

he was surrounded by his friends, all of them walking down the hallway as if they were in a movie scene.

my heart started thumping really loud as i passed them, and i was about to sigh in relief when i passed the group of boys when i felt someone grip my wrist.

i faced back and bit my lip when i saw zach standing in front of me. i was beyond frustrated at this point, and i was really close to crying.

"y/n, we need to talk." zach immediately said once i faced him.

i glanced at his hand that was still on my wrist. "l-let go of me." i muttered, taking a deep breath to stop myself from crying.

i didn't want to feed people with more shi.t to talk about.

instead of letting me go he gripped my other hand, now holding both of my hands. "i need you to listen to me." he said, taking a step forward.

i glanced around us and sure enough, everyone was looking at us. "i can't do this in front of the whole school." i said truthfully, hoping that he would let me go peacefully.

he looked around us and sigh, nodding. i thought he was going to let me go when he dropped one of my hands, gripping the other and pulling me down the hallway.

i kept my eyes on the ground the whole time, not wanting to see everyone's faces. zach pushed open the doors of the school and i followed behind him.

once we reached the parking lot i pulled his hand a bit, stopping him from walking. he turned towards me, and i pull my hand out of his grip.

"is this a part of the bet too?" i asked him before he could say anything.

i watched as he shook his head, his hands making its way to my arms. "f.uck, i'm so sorry y/n. i promise you i can explain everything."

i stepped backwards, his hands dropping away from my arm. "don't touch me." i said, shaking my head.

"okay, i won't touch you but i need you to listen to me." he said, taking another step towards me.

i shook my head. "you've done enough damage, dempsey." i said bitterly. i could feel the tears prickling at the corners of my eye.

"i know, just give me one chance to talk and after that you can hate me all you want." he begged, his voice shaking.

i shook my head once again. "d-don't talk to me ever again." i said, watching as his expression fell.

i walked away, walking towards the direction of where my car was parked. i could feel the tears coming out of my eyes, and just as i was about to wipe them zach's voice echoed from behind me.

"i'm in love with you, y/n!" i had to stop walking to make sure i wasn't hallucinating, but with the faces from everyone around me i knew i wasn't.

i was about to look back to where i left zach when i realised the situation we were in. it's just a bet, i told myself before continuing to walk to my car, not bothering to look back.

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