→ letterman jacket

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i closed my locker door, beyond exhausted from the three quizzes i had. i was ready to go home and nap before i have to head over to the basketball game tonight.

i was about to reach the school doors when i heard a familiar voice calling my name.

i immediately turned around, a smile on my face. zach took a couple of steps towards me, his backpack slung over his shoulder.

"you're going to my game tonight, right?" he asked, his eyebrows furrowed.

i nod. "i always come to your guys' game." i said, unable to hide the smirk that was forming in my face.

"well yeah, but you're coming specifically to watch me tonight." i burst out laughing when i heard his words.

we've been friends for quite some time, but the past couple of weeks we've been hanging out and texting a lot more.

"and to watch justin and everyone else on the team."

he rolled his eyes at my response. he looked as if he just remembered something and dropped his backpack to the floor.

i watched him as he took off his letterman jacket, putting his backpack back on his shoulder.

"i wanted to give you this so that you could wear it to the game tonight." he said, and i had to ignore the butterflies erupting in my stomach.

it's really hard to not catch feelings for zach when he does shi.t like this.

i slowly grabbed the jacket out of his grip. "you sure?" i asked, the confidence i had throughout our conversation suddenly gone.

he nod, his familiar grin appearing on his face. "i have to go meet the boys but i'll see you later."

i bit my lip, nodding slowly as he walked away.

i managed to take a one hour nap before forcing myself to take a shower and get dressed.

once i was done i lifted zach's jacket from my chair, realising that it had his scent on it. i put it on, taking a look int he mirror.

i was practically drowning in the jacket, over how big it was. i couldn't help but smile once it hit me that i'm using zach dempsey's jacket.

after waiting for a couple of minutes hayley, one of my best friends arrived and we left to go back to liberty.

the gym was packed when we entered, and we navigated our way through the bleachers. we found our seats next to the baseball team.

"that's definitely dempsey's jacket, isn't it?" monty said with a smirk the moment i sat down next to him.

"how can you even tell?" i muttered.

he laughed, shaking his head. "out of every guy who has that jacket the only possibility is that you're using zach's."

i could feel my cheek warming up, and at this point monty was full on laughing next to me.

i shoved him, focusing my attention on the basketball court.

within a couple of seconds the basketball team made their way into the court, and my eyes were stuck on the black-haired boy i'm definitely catching feelings for.

the moment he passed my section of the bleachers he looked up to where i was sitting, waving.

i lifted my hand slightly, and he broke into a smile.

i couldn't help but smile back. "you have him wrapped around your fingers, y/n." monty commented when he saw our interaction.

i rolled my eyes, even though his comment did make me feel like i'm in cloud nine. "shut up monty."

the game started and we ended up winning. once it was over everyone started piling out of the gym.

i waited behind with my group of friends, something we usually do after basketball games.

we were planning on what food we should get after when the boys walked out of the locker room, wide grins covering their faces.

all of a sudden i could feel my heart thumping when i saw zach walking over to where i was standing.

"congrats," i said the moment he was in front of me.

he smiled, his hands making its way to the side of my arms, rubbing up and down.

"you look better in my jacket than i do." another comment that makes me feel like i'm going to have a heart attack.

"don't say stuff like that." i managed to say.

his eyebrows shot up in amusement, grinning. "why?"

i bit the inside of my cheek. "j-just don't."

his hand made its way to my hair, patting the top of my head. "let's go eat."

i nod eagerly, suddenly feeling hungry. i walked away towards hayley who's currently still debating on what to eat with scott and monty.

i could barely take a couple of steps before zach grabbed my wrist, stopping me from walking.

i looked back at him. "i can drive you home later." he said, his hand still on my wrist.

i was about to reject him when i realised that hayley could go home earlier if she didn't have to drop me off at my home first.

plus, the idea of spending more time with zach seems like the best way to spend my time right now.

i nod, watching him smile. "now let's go because i really want a burger."

he laughed, taking a couple of steps and starting to walk in front of me, his hand still on my wrist.

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