→ bet pt. 2

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i've been sitting on my bed for the past four hours, wondering how i got myself into this mess.

the words zach yelled at me at the parking lot still rung in my ears, but i've convinced myself that he only said that to make himself look better.

it's funny how the one time i decide to go out with a boy he decides to break my heart one week after in the most hurtful way.

i was about to force myself to go to sleep, in hopes that i could forget about everything that happened for a couple of hours when my mom walked in my room.

"zach is downstairs waiting for you, he said your phone's not working when he tried to call." my heart dropped when i heard her.

i didn't want my parents to find out about what happened, especially when they are close friends with zach's parents.

i gulped, forcing myself to walk to the door. i followed her downstairs, my steps a lot slower than hers.

my breath came into a halt when i caught the sight of zach sitting in my living room, my little brother sitting next to him talking about the new game on his nintendo switch.

"let's go outside," i said once i entered the living room.

zach's head snapped to my direction and i made my way outside the house, not wanting my parents to see me have a breakdown in the middle of the living room.

i could hear zach following me, and once we were down my driveway i turned to him.

"you can't just show up at my house." i told him blatantly.

he took a step forward, the distance between us getting smaller and smaller. "you didn't answer my texts and calls so i thought that this was the only way to talk to you."

i sighed. "i really don't want to talk to you."

he bit his lip and nod. "i get it. but i have to get this off my chest."

"how is that fair?" i snapped. "you were the one who set me up for public humiliation and now you get to tell me when we have to talk?" i continued, rage coursing through my body.

he took another step forward and i stumbled backwards, wanting to get away from him as far as possible.

"i know i did but i just wanted to tell you that this was more than a bet." i was about to talk when he cut me off. "i've always had feelings for you and i was too scared to ask you out and the bet pushed me to do it."

i can't help but laugh, zach staring at me like i'm a psychopath. "we both know you're just saying that to clear your name and make yourself feel better."

he shook his head, his eyes darkening. "i swear to god i'm not lying to you right now. i do love-"

"don't." i said, before he could continue.

he stepped forward, getting closer and closer. he leaned downwards, our face inches apart.

"i love you, and i know i hurt you. i know that i don't deserve your forgiveness but i just need to tell you that i love you." i gulped when i heard his words, wondering how he was able to play with my feelings back and forth.

i finally nod, biting the inside of my cheeks. "you should go home now."

he looked beyond disappointed but i walked away, knowing full well that if i stayed there is a possibility that i would be lured back in to the black-haired boy. 

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