→ jealousy pt. 2

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this week went downhill really quickly, starting from the moment zach stepped out of my house.

he was still avoiding me like the plague, ignoring my texts that i stopped sending after two days.

he had a basketball training two hours away from where we lived, which meant that i couldn't see him at school as well.

i was beyond exhausted everyday because my workplace is packed with customers during each of my shifts.

on top of that, my parents fought three days ago. it isn't anything new, but it still gets to me when they scream at each other until four in the morning.

i put my apron in the locker room, grabbing my purse. i walked out of the diner i worked at, making my way back home.

i sighed when i saw both of my parents' car in the driveway, knowing that they're probably still fighting.

i put my car in park next to the curb and put my head on my steering wheel, biting my lip to keep myself from having a complete breakdown.

i failed anyways, letting my sobs take over my body completely. i was in my car crying for a good ten minutes before i finally pushed myself out of the car.

i wiped my face, although i knew that i probably wouldn't even meet my parents when i go into my house.

"y/n." my heart stopped when i heard the familiar voice, looking away from the ground and looking at my porch.

zach was standing up, walking over to where i was. all of a sudden breathing seems to be a lot harder than i remember.

"w-what are you doing here?" i whispered once he stood in front of me.

"shi.t. have you been crying?" his hand made its way to my face, his fingers wiping the rest of the tears staining my face.

i bit my lip, not knowing what to say. all of a sudden he pulled me into a hug, and i stayed frozen.

"i'm so sorry for not texting you back, i'm so sorry for being stupid." he said and i found myself crying again.

his hand was stroking my hair, and i couldn't stop crying. "i'm so sorry it took me this long to get to you."

i continued crying, unable to stop myself. he kept on apologising, squeezing me closer to him.

after a couple of minutes he pulled away slowly, his arms still around my waist. he gave me a kiss on my forehead, and i wiped my tears.

i finally stopped crying, looking at him. "me and daniel are just friends." i finally spoke.

he sighed and nod. "i trust you."

i took a breath and played with my fingers. "my parents fought again." i whispered, the thought of them screaming at each other flooding through my mind.

zach's expression fell immediately, knowing full well what happens when my parents fight. "and you couldn't even talk to me about it because i was being a complete idiot."

"it's fine, it's not your fault." i told him quietly.

he shook his head, apologising for the upteenth time. "stay over at my place tonight." he said afterwards.

i broke into a smile. "i was really hoping you'd say that."

he smiled back at me, pulling me closer to him, his lips making its way towards mine. "i love you and i'm sorry for being stupid." he said once we pulled apart.

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