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Clara's POV 

I looked down at the drawing.

'Crutchie Morris and Clara Delancey, 24th of August 1899 (by Jack Kelly)'.

I lay in bed and hugged the drawing close to my chest. Jack had drawn it the day Crutchie and I had gotten together, five year ago.

After almost a year of us being together, Oscar and Morris finally accepted Crutchie as part of the family. Though it was reluctantly, they sat him down and said that if he did anything to hurt me they wouldn't hesitate to pull out the brass knuckles. Which was slightly harsh but it's been 4 years since that and they treat him as if he was actually part of the family. (Especially around Peggy, as her and Oscar got engaged 4 months ago).

Katherine and Jack got married in 1903, it was beautiful. Because of Katherine's fathers money, they were able to get an amazing venue with top quality food, musicians and decorations. Katherine looked truly beautiful, her hair was pinned back into an elegant bun with white flowers woven through. She had a white, silk ball gown that looked incredible on her. Jack's face when he saw her was heartwarming. My favourite bit was that Crutchie was Jack's best man, and god does that boy clean up well. Let's just say I was more than happy to leave a little early that night.

Oh! And Race actually settled down last year. A young lady called Lucy from the bronx. They seemed really happy. (A/N, this is an inside joke between me and the friend I wrote this for, feel free to be confused)

I got out of bed and checked myself in the mirror. For our anniversary Crutchie was taking me out to an actual restaurant. One that wasn't just Jacobi's.

"I's going out!", I say, grabbing my purse from the kitchen table they were all sitting at

"Have fun 'lara", Morris says, pulling me in for a hug, "don't do anythin' I wouldn't do".

"Yeah, yeah", I laugh.

"And remember 'lara", Oscar chimes in, "stay away from dem newsies".

'YEAH WHATEVA", I yell, as I step out it to the cold corridor of our apartment building.

Crutchies POV

I looked down at the small box in my hand, Clara was going to be here any minute and I had no clue what to say.

"Ya ready bud?", Jack asked, patting me on the back and sitting down on a couch next to his very pregnant wife.

"Honestly? No", I laugh nervously, putting the box back in my pocket.

"I mean clearly, how's 'e gonna get onto one knee?", Race called, laughing, (causing Lucy, who was sitting on his knee, to slap in the chest).

"Race 'as a point", Elmer said, looking genuinely confused. A few newsies muttered in agreement. Every newsie (and ex newsie) in manhattan had come to the newsboy lodge this evening for this.

"Get 'er to stand on a chair!", Les yelled, making Davey look incredibly disappointed.

"You're going to do amazing Crutchie", Katherine assured me.

The door to the lodge opened, allowing some of the sticky, hot summer air to flood the building. And there was Clara Delancey, looking as perfect as always.

"Hey Crutchie", she grinned, "you ready to -", she looked around and saw everyone in the lodge. "What are you all doing here?".

I smiled and pulled out the box, "well". She immediately realised what was going on and covered her mouth in shock, tearing filling up her eyes.

"Clara Delancey", I opened the box to reveal a small diamond ring (with took me ages to save up for, with some assistance of Mrs Kelly's money), "I 'ave loved you since the moment we met, yose is indescribably perfect in ev'ry way. I can't physic'lly get one on one knee for ya but I hope you can still see that I 'ave cherished the last five years more than you know. Clara Delancey, will ya marry me?", I finish.

Clara nods and offers me her left hand, with tears streaming down her beautiful face. I slip the ring on and pull her close, wiping tears off her cheeks.

"I love you, so much Charles Morris", she whispers before kissing me, causing everyone in the room to cheer and applaud.

In a world of perfect people, god chose us. For there never was a story of more joy. Than a broken girl and her cripple boy.


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I love all of you! Have fun in life

xo Kiera

(Also Mia, if you're reading this: you owe me chocolate)

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