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Lyanna gave a small yelp as Brandon hit her shoulder with their practice sword. He gave her a smirk which normally would have made any woman swoon but all it did was make his sister scowl. "You're getting sloppy sister! To think Ned and Robert were singing praises about your skills significantly improving." 

Brandon didn't miss the slight wince Lyanna tried to mask at the mention of Robert's name.


"Shut it Brandon." She huffed, tossed the practice sword on the ground and sat on a nearby fallen log. Lyanna had approached him just past lunch and said that she wanted to spar with him, knowing her, she probably had something on her mind that she wanted to get out of her system by trying to beat someone senseless. Emphasis on the word trying since she had never bested him before (as most Northerners). All those training he put up with in the past was paying off. 

Brandon sat beside her in silence. She was pouting at him. "You know, pouting makes you ugly."

She huffed. "Isn't that great? I've heard passing minstrels saying that I was as beautiful as the moon on a winter night." She paused. "But Cersei was as beautiful as the dawn." 

"And that's what's bothering you?"

"I don't get bothered by something as trivial as that and you know that."

He did. If anything Lyanna would be more mannish than any lady he knew. Once, as children, they had all been close but his impending duties as the heir of Winterfell gradually put a noticeable rift between them. "Something about Robert Baratheon then." 

"Yes." She said quietly. "You know it already don't you? Our Lord Father plans to betroth me to him."

The sound of the nearby river was peaceful and Brandon's gray eyes focused on it intensely as he slowly said. "It's our duty as nobles to make alliances when we can. The Starks and Baratheons... we've been allied together since Bran the Builder assisted the Storm King." 

"I know. It's just that..." Lyanna sighed. "Robert claims to love me but I know I wouldn't be the only one to share his bed."

Ah. As all men do. "The moment he does that to you sister, you come tell me and we'll give him a good beating." He shifted his gaze to meet hers and smiled. "It's not set Lyanna, Robert has certainly put it in the open with our father but it is yet to be considered." She nodded sullenly. "Besides, I think Robert is capable of change. Despite his gallivanting around, when he is wed to the most beautiful woman, he would sure be at your beck and call aye?" 

She cracked a small smile that flooded Brandon with relief. They sat in silence for a moment, savoring the peace and quiet. 

"What of your betrothal?"

"What about it?" 

"You are the first of the Starks after years to make ties with the South. Surely it would cause trouble with our bannermen once you take the seat."

Brandon took a deep breath. It will cause trouble but he trusted his father's ventures and Riverlands was certainly a good place to make pacts with. "When that time comes sister, I'll handle it. I for one am looking forward to meet her, I'm told that she is beautiful after all." He winked at her, earning him a smack to the arm. 


"The wolf blood does that."

"Don't disgrace the wolf blood, it runs in me too!"

And as they bantered words through the afternoon, Brandon's worries about tying with the South faded away too. 


Author's Note!

Hi everyone! It's quarantine season, I hope you're all safe. Just a couple of heads up, I made a terrible mistake with the timelines. Hngg T^T I'm sorry. Brandon and Catelyn's engagement actually happened after the joust in Harrenhal BUT! For this fanfic, it will be happening BEFORE those events. 


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