prologue: when the wind blows

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♫ LEDApple - Let the wind blow [inst.] ♫


A sudden gust of wind, and they know he's coming.

The framed portraits hung along the hallway tilt slightly as he passes by before he pauses, tilts his own head to the right to fix the position of the disturbed frames. Satisfied after fixing the mistake that occurred due to his presence, he continues walking.

He is then greeted by guards adjusting their stances and lowering their heads as a sign of the utmost respect. A grin stretches across his face accompanied by the light wave of his hand, indicating that he's still not used to the sign of respect a man of his position should be getting. They keep their heads hung low nevertheless; no matter how laidback he is, it is their duty to show their respect to him.

The young king of Natur Realm, and future consort of their only princess.

The princess who is currently unconscious, tucked under the sheets, with people visiting her during the slumber that never sees her waking up even after a month. An accident that has left her slipping into a dimension different than those awake around her, their voices only bouncing and reflecting on the walls that enclose her figure, as if protecting her from the world for as long as she keeps her eyes closed.

It is an accident that no one, and is forbidden so, speaks about.

The reason as to why it's not spoken only results from two reasons; either they don't know, or they don't want others to know. A hushed story that is never allowed to pass around, because they fear that it will taint the image of their one and only princess.

The highly respected princess of the Inis Realm, Park Narae. A princess who only deserves the good things in the world, and no harm should come to her as commanded by her family.

But of course, there are always exceptions in which one can carry out the orders. What should they do if their prized princess was the one who brought harm upon herself? Cry buckets of blood while cursing their fates, or shake her into realization?

Frankly, nothing. Because their princess can't even open her eyes, and it's been a month. Another day added if she doesn't wake up from her long sleep by the time midnight comes.

Before midnight; that is when the young king would come and visit her. It's less of a feeling of affection towards her but rather a push of obligation, which of course is the next episode of the rather forced arrangement of his marriage towards the princess. The word 'love' doesn't even exist in between them, yet he doubts that it's the first thing that would pop up if you would hear about the circumstance of an arranged marriage.

It is a sign of respect towards the centuries-long alliance between their two realms, a nod of assurance towards his father - the previous king of Natur Realm - that he will bring back a wife together with him, as to their people a young king without a queen by his side is less deserving to be on the throne. If he wants to keep his position, no matter with the full support of his royal parents, it won't stand unless the people are happy.

He may never understand their logic of a much deserving ruling king if he were to have a queen by his side. He finds it much more calming for him to only be able to think about the welfare of their people, rather than having to worry about an additional person who would be forced to follow his footsteps.

No, Princess Narae should not be restricted in what she does by having to be reduced to only 'the consort of the Natur King'. The princess has so much potential, one that can only be achieved if she were to be given freedom. If she were to become his queen, that word won't come easily to her.

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