author's note

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To whoever made it until here, thank you, a million times uwu (◕‿◕) I'm grateful for all the reads, likes and comments; I can never thank all of you enough for sticking until the end even though this story is lacking in a lot of aspects.

So... after all the tears (?) I hope that it's somehow made up by the ending (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I actually started writing it shortly after I finished Crescent on the 1st of March, but I felt like I would not have the time to complete the story since classes had started to become hectic. But now we're completely converting to online learning and we had a little bit of time... this fic was continued. (Though after this we're going to be super busy so ;-;)

I originally planned to have it be only around at most 20 chapters because I wanted it to be a short story, so 25 chapters excluding the prologue and epilogue were longer than I intended. As I mentioned before, I feel like this fic is not my best and there's just this feeling that I'm not giving my all to write (个_个) But even though I feel there are some parts lacking I'm actually quite satisfied with how the story turned out. I'm sorry if this story did not meet the 'fantasy' aspect that I've labelled it as, or if there are things that did not meet your expectations.

I started getting inspired to write this fic when I took a class about cancer, and at the same time I wanted to make a fantasy au for ateez because I kept imagining them as princes/kings and I couldn't stop thinking about it. So yeah. I was also inspired by a few dramas jumbled together; W, Scarlet Heart Ryeo, and there was also this book about the main girl falling into the world of the book she's reading (but I can't remember the title). Parallel universes are also what I tend to think about from time to time; to imagine that there might be another version of you in a world different than what we know.

It does sound like a ridiculous idea and I don't know about others, but to me, I've always thought about how it'd be if I get to live in the world of the fics I wrote. I find that I tend to daydream about that lmao but yes, I'll have to ground myself to reality. A-ny-ways, although this was a short fic I hope that you enjoyed reading the fic (despite the sad scenes) as much as I enjoyed writing it. I didn't put in a lot of perspectives in this fic because I wanted to focus on only the two main characters. If any of you know me from previous stories you'd know that I'm Seonghwa biased (but they're all bias wreckers so what goes on) and lately Hongjoong has been creeping up on me ;-;

I imagined Narae to look similar to Everglow's Aisha and Jo Serim to look similar to, of course, Everglow's Onda. But it's up to you; their appearances can be completely based on your imagination. As always, the characters depicted in this fic are not reflective of how ATEEZ are in real life, and I do not own any of the characters except for the OCs.

To anyone wondering, I imagined the music piece 'Narae' to be something similar to 'Pain' by Jurrivh and 'Jinju' to be something similar to 'You Left Me' or 'When I Die', both also by Jurrivh. You can give them a listen!

First chapter posted: 10 April 2020
Final chapter posted: 29 April 2020

Please take care and I hope that you have/are having/had a good day <3

Once again, thank you ( ◡‿◡ *)


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