11: as the poisonous flowers bloom

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3 years ago

"Would you like to go the festival downtown with me?" Seonghwa keeps his voice down low as his eyes never fail to maintain contact with Serim's.

As opposed to the prince, the lady-in-waiting is currently having her hands in fists, her eyes darting all around in an attempt to both break the eye contact with the prince and to keep an eye out for anyone who might have come across them; two people who should not even be seen in the vicinity of the other.

"Your Highness," she repeats again, the title flowing out of her mouth with ease, and will be so for possibly the rest of her life as that is what she's supposed to address them as. No matter how the prince insists on her calling him by his name when they're alone. "You should not be here." She wants to add 'with me' but having him here even without her presence is enough to claim all things wrong with it.

His face slightly changes at the mention of this, looking offended as his lips turn into a pout. His dewy eyes blink profusely, trying to gain sympathy from her. "Mother and Narae are not in the palace; they went to Kryon for a, as they call it, ladies night with the queen and princesses there. Only father is here, but even then he's busy having discussions the whole day; he's only asking to be served food in his study. And I just finished my lessons for today, nothing scheduled for the rest of the day."

"But why with me?" she blurts out.

He pauses, before replying, "Because I want to spend time with you."

"Your Highness," she desperately says, as if she has not just heard the confession coming out of his mouth. She's close to putting her palms together, ready to kneel to even beg so that the prince will leave. If things were any different, if she were not a servant and one of the princesses instead, she would have accepted the invitation in a heartbeat.

Who could resist the prince?

"And-" he quickly adds, realizing how he sounded pushy, "I know that you've always wanted to go, but since Narae is not fond of festivals like that you've never gotten the chance to. I thought it'd be a good place to bring you to. You can see a lot of other artists' works there, too. Maybe get some inspiration; I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

She keeps mum, brought to a speechless state as she doesn't remember the last time anyone would care for what she likes or doesn't like. "Your Highness, us going out together is something worthy of an execution for me. I must not be seen hanging around a royal I am not serving."

Seonghwa's eyes turn downcast, the edges of his lips pulled down too. The twinkle in his eyes seems to have died down along with his cheerful expression. "I wanted us to go out as Seonghwa and Serim, without those stupid titles."

She gets swayed by his offer, the added effect of his pouting lips and blinking large eyes. She bites her lower lip, rubbing her hand up and down her left arm as she utters slowly, "Only this one night... then you must not attempt to talk with me again. Both of us would face the grave consequences if Their Majesties happen to find out."

"No promises," the prince replies mischievously, without giving a chance for her to utter another word to cancel her accepting the offer. "Meet me at the south wing where the broken structures are, 7:30 p.m." He walks away before snapping his fingers and turn around, "Oh and, you might want to bring your sketchbook and pencil along. A lot of scenery to be captured." He winks.

If not for her sheer will of refusing to be completely swept off her feet by the prince, she would've spent the rest of the day feeling like she's walking on cloud nine. She remains focused on what duties she's supposed to carry out; that includes helping Princess Narae to get ready for her journey to Kryon Realm together with the queen. A trip that would give her a ticket to go to the festival along with the prince.

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