6: the prince who brings forth waves

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As the princess of Inis Realm, she is expected to act accordingly, so as soon as she's able to walk properly she is whisked away to various classes in the palace compound, surprising her with how big the palace is, boasting multiple arrays of hallways and sections. She wouldn't be surprised if someone were to scream at one end while another at the opposite end wouldn't hear it; maybe that was what happened during her accident. The classes conducted for her is as if she was training to become a princess, although technically she is already one.

After the cryptic advice given by San, the prince did not attempt to get close to her anymore, preferring to spend his time with his twin and the rest of the royals instead. When they decided to retire for the night, Yeosang, Mingi and Yunho did glance at her, looking as if they wanted to say something to her, but went against it instead. She was tired; tired that everyone seemed to be acting suspiciously around her, that even her brother felt like a stranger to her.

As Serim appeared to assist her again, the lady-in-waiting looked irked, and she wondered whether Seonghwa was the reason for that kind of expression. She knew better than to ask, especially after San left her thinking of different scenarios involving her accident, and how each of them would or would not be involved with it. She didn't want to suspect anyone near her, since they seem to be wishing nothing but the best for her, yet San's voice kept ringing in her ears.

Maybe this was why Serim deemed them 'evil' - on how they would try to shake Narae up and make her confused.

Her classes range from the most boring ones such as basic palace etiquette to the most exciting ones such as sparring sessions and archery lessons. From the reaction of her teachers, she could sense that basic palace etiquette is what she fails at, while she's excelling in all of the physical activities. Her muscles have been pretty cooperative, and her muscle memory helped her in breezing through the physical classes, yet one remains the hardest for her.

She can't summon her powers back, and it looks like it may stay like that for quite a while.

When Serim tells her that she'll be attempting to recollect her powers, she doesn't expect to come by the lake to see Prince Yunho making the water ripple fiercely, making time pass as he waits for the princess. When he sees the princess he immediately stands up, bowing his head as if they're of different ranks before giving her the softest smile that might or might not make her stomach slightly stir.

"Narae," he says shortly before adding with a gasp, "Princess, I mean. Pardon my language, Your Highness."

If the prince in front of her looks polite, it does seem that his actions also prove to be the same. With her training clothes that she had put on and grumbled at how hot it was, she had asked for a sleeveless one much to Serim's consternation. However, the princess did get her way as her smooth silky skin are exposed and red from the constant sun bearing upon them.

"Please, Narae is enough. We're not strangers for you to be addressing me as Your Highness."

"Indeed we're not," he muses before taking his place next to her and looking out into the lake. "I don't have an ounce of royal blood in me, though, if I may add." He studies her face, "In case you haven't heard of my background. Thought it'd be a good ice breaker."

She decides that she likes this prince's attitude, with or without royal blood. She thinks about how she thought the man was 'uninteresting' when she decided to break up with him. It's either he had really let go of the past, or he's really good at masking his true feelings.

"Royal blood or not, you're still a prince."

Yunho laughs before putting a hand over his mouth. "That wasn't what you said when you ended our relationship, though."

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