25: beyond the boundary

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Mingi and Yunho shout at the top of their lungs as they are chased around by Byeol - who wants to play around with them, but in the form of a dragon - and it results in them almost being burned alive as she 'playfully' breathes out fire. Her body keeps slinking in between the arranged chairs outdoors, knocking them over as she doesn't realize she's currently in a different form, where cuddles and chasing games are different than when she's a cat.

"Byeol, why are you chasing us- AHHHHH!" Mingi jumps from side to side as he avoids the fire coming out of Byeol's mouth. "Have mercy on us!" But she doesn't listen as she keeps nudging them using her snout, urging them to be the mice in her modified version of a cat-and-mouse game.

Yunho has tears in his eyes as he lifts up his arms high up in the air, pleading for his life to be spared when Byeol shows no sign of stopping. "Where the frick is Choi San and Choi Jongho? They're letting their beast of a pet loose and we're about to become her next meal!"

Wooyoung watches from his seat as he shouts to answer him, "San and Jongho are eating, they say that they'll get back to Byeol once they're done. In the meantime, they ask for your kind hearts to look over her and entertain her. It doesn't take much to make Byeol happy, according to them."

"Well it does take much!" Mingi shouts angrily as he skitters and tries to outsmart Byeol by running to the other side. "Our bodies are about to be sacrificed!"

"Well this is definitely entertaining," Yeosang chuckles. "Byeol is the most perfect pet to have."

"Just play with her a little bit longer," San cups his mouth and shouts. "We're almost done." Then after a beat, he adds, "Thanks, we owe you a lot!"

"You definitely owe us a lot!" Yunho tumbles to the ground before he squeals, but not before Byeol wiggles her body and he widens his eyes. "No, no, no! Don't do that-" He gets squashed underneath her belly as she jumps over him, in an effort to cuddle with him. "This-" he gasps, trying to find air before getting squashed again, "-is not-" he gasps again, "-cuddling! This is murder!"

"Shhh," Jongho waves his fork around. "Don't mention about murders at a wedding. So disrespectful." Then he turns to his food again, happily chomping down on the last bit of cold noodles.

"Well we won't talk about it-" Mingi squeals as he ducks, him being targeted as Byeol's cuddling partner next, "-if Byeol isn't trying to kill us!" He screams another high-pitched one as he gets tackled the ground, Byeol assaulting him with her nose, as if prompting him to pet her head. With a shaking hand and defeated from being assaulted by the dragon, he pets her head and she lets out a puff of air in satisfaction.

When San and Jongho finally approach them, Byeol returns back to her cat form, whereas Yunho and Mingi look like they've been betrayed their whole lives.

"Byeol..." Yunho croaks, his eyes wide as his hair is tousled and his suit torn at the shoulder. "You could've... played with us... while being a cat..." He collapses to the ground, losing consciousness.

As if guilty, Byeol trots over to him and licks his face, pawing at him until he wakes up in a few minutes. She meows loudly before hitting his face repeatedly without mercy, and Yunho is almost crying while he tries to struggle free from the attacks coming from Byeol.

"Byeol seems to like both of you a lot," Jongho comments. "Look at her trying to show her affection to Yunho."

Mingi deadpans. "If that is what love feels like, I'd rather feel nothing for my whole life. I almost lost her life thanks to her."

"But she likes you!" San says cheerily as he pries away Byeol from Yunho. Byeol returns to her calm state as San holds her, and she snuggles cosily at the crook of his arm. "That's a compliment, to have a shapeshifting pet liking you. Gives you a lot of advantage and you can ask help from her anytime."

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