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Ruby and Lev were sitting at home. She was 8 months pregnant. "4 weeks left" he said she nodded putting her hand on her stomach "scared?" He asked she nodded "nervous, I just want everything to go right this time" she said he nodded "I know sweetheart, me too" he said putting his hand on hers. "Your at work tonight aren't you?" She asked he nodded "as long as your alright here, Amelia was early maybe this one will be" he said "if this one is early I'll ring you" she smiled he nodded "your a tough nut aren't you?" He smiled she nodded and they carried on watching the TV for a bit. It got to 5pm "I better go and have a shower" he said she looked up at him and smiled interlocking her fingers with his "I want you to know something" she said he nodded "I love you with every single last inch of my heart" she said he smiled and held both of her hands "I love you too sweetheart, with every bit of my heart" he said she smiled and kissed his cheek "go on, go and have a shower you smell" she laughed he smiled and stood up "go on" she smiled as he looked down at her he put his hands on her belly and smiled to himself "you look after your mummy and stay in there for a little while longer" he smiled Ruby smiled putting her hand on his hair "we will be okay" he smiled "Harmony is upstairs shes there if I need her" she smiled he nodded and kissed her head "I love you" he said she smiled "I love you too" she smiled as he walked upstairs. Ruby stood up and walked upstairs to Harmony "do you want some dinner lovely?" She asked around the door Harmony nodded and smiled standing up and walking out with her "is daddy at work?" She asked "he's leaving soon sweetie, do you want to watch a film?" She asked Harmony nodded and ate her dinner. Lev walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around Ruby her back was hurting, she thought it was just because she was heavy. "I'll see you later" he said she nodded and gave him a kiss he smiled and kissed Harmony on the head "see you later, love you" he smiled "love you too daddy" she said as he left. Ruby lent over the side and held her back. "Mummy are you alright?" Asked Harmony ruby nodded "my backs hurting shall we watch a film?" She asked Harmony nodded and Ruby walked through to the living room behind harmony and they sat down with a blanket turning the tv on and watching mamma Mia. Ruby put her hand to her stomach  "Harmony sweetheart I'm going to head to bed I don't feel very well" she said halfway through "I'll turn the tv off" she smiled it was a Friday night so no school tomorrow. "Thank you sweetheart" she said walking upstairs slowly. She got changed and sat down on her bed laying back holding her stomach. Harmony walked upstairs and got her pyjamas on and then walked into Ruby's room. She climbed onto her bed and tucked up behind Ruby. Ruby turned over and held Harmony close "I love you" she smiled as they drifted off to sleep together. Lev walked in at 6:30am and walked upstairs to bed. He walked in to see Ruby and Harmony cuddled up asleep together he couldn't help but smile and snap a picture. He grabbed some pyjamas and got changed and climbed in the other side of Harmony and closed his eyes. Ruby woke up half an hour later to Lev almost watching over her she smiled as Harmony stirred. Lev sat up as they both woke up and Harmony sat up slowly hugging Lev "your home" she smiled he nodded and kissed her head. He noticed over her shoulder that Ruby didn't really look herself "are you alright?" He asked quietly she nodded and smiled at him. "Why don't you go and get dressed?" Smiled Lev to Harmony she nodded and headed to her room. He moved over to Ruby and wrapped his arms around her "what's wrong?" He asked "I've got backache I did last night, I'm just so heavy" she said he nodded "it will be over soon" he said she nodded and smiled "I just want baby to stay there, little ones safe I just want everything to be alright" she said "and it will be" he smiled kissing her cheek she nodded "I'm getting up you get some sleep" she smiled he nodded "I'll only be a couple of hours" he said she smiled "sleep for as long as you need" she smiled sitting up. She stood up slowly holding the bed when she felt something trickle down her leg she gasped and looked at Lev "what's wrong?" He asked she looked down slowly and Lev lent over the bed and quickly sat up "oh Ruby, this will be over sooner than we thought" he said she nodded she looked terrified "come on" he said rocking her back and forth in his arms. "I'm going to give Jan a call, there's no point going in unless your having contractions" he said she shook her head "no, no I'm fine" she said he nodded and called Jan "hi Jan, um Ruby's waters have just broken, she's scared" he started "I'm on my way" she said before he could finish he smiled and they said bye and shut the phone off. "Jans on her way" he smiled she nodded and hugged him. Jan turned up and Lev walked downstairs and unlocked the door for her "is she alright?" Asked Jan he nodded "she isn't having any contractions she's just got terrible back ache" he said she nodded and walked up to her. Ruby was sitting on the side of the bed when jan walked in. "Hey" she smiled "hi" said Ruby looking up at her "Jan you really didn't have to come" she said as Jan sat down and put her arm around her, Ruby rested her head on her shoulder "but I'm glad you did" she said Jan held her close "are you hurting?" She asked "my back, but if your asking if this baby's ready yet, I don't think so" she said Jan nodded and held her tightly "this is different" she said "different to what?" She asked "Amelia" she said Jan nodded "that's because they brought it on, this ones going to do it by itself" she smiled "that does mean it's probably going to take a bit longer" she said rubbing her arm "I'm not hurting, my back yeah but not contractions but I just feel weird, different" she said Jan nodded "it might take a while, but we're all here" she said Ruby smiled "thank you for coming" she said she smiled "of course" smiled Jan kissing her head. Just then Harmony walked in "mummy" she said Ruby turned to face her "it's alright sweetie come here" she smiled Harmony walked over to her and sat down the other side of her. "Listen alright daddy's going to take you to nanny's, to his mums alright sweetie" she said holding her hands "I think I'm going to have this baby soon and that means staying at the hospital and there's nowhere for you to stay alright but I promise as soon as this baby is born nanny will bring you straight over" she said Harmony nodded and hugged Ruby "I've rang mum she's coming to get her now" he smiled Ruby nodded taking a deep breath "Go with daddy and pack a bag for overnight honey" she said kissing her head she nodded and walked out with Lev. Lev's mum Susan pulled up and walked in Lev smiled at her and she walked up the stairs to him "is she alright?" She asked he nodded "Jans with her" he smiled she nodded "were going to have loads of fun Harmony" she smiled picking her up Harmony laughed she loved her so much. "You can go in, she's not really in labour yet" he said she nodded and patted him on the shoulder "you've done good" she smiled he smiled "I haven't done too badly have I?" He smiled she smiled and walked into Ruby "hi Susan" she smiled facing her "hey sweetheart" she smiled "I'm off I'll take Harmony you give me a call when this baby's out and I'll be over alright?" She smiled Ruby nodded "of course" she smiled Susan smiled and gave her a hug "look after her Jan" she smiled "of course I will" she smiled. They left soon after. Lev walked back in to the bedroom and smiled at Ruby "Harmony's being looked after" he smiled she nodded "Ruby, I don't know if you've discussed this with your midwife but after your waters break..." Jan started "I know, there's a high risk of infection if contractions don't start an hour later" she said Jan nodded "how long has it been?" She asked Lev looked at his watch "maybe 50 minutes" he said she nodded "I think we ought to get you in especially with an early baby" she said Ruby nodded and Lev grabbed her maternity bag and they headed downstairs out to the car.

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