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Ruby's mum was sitting outside as Duffy walked back into the room 4 hours later "right let's have another check" she smiled she nodded and Duffy checked again "6cm" she smiled. Lev was sitting on the bed with her and giving her a cuddle when a stronger contraction hit her. She had an amazing pain tolerance and everyone knew that. She gritted her teeth and just breathed through it "are they getting worse?" Asked Duffy "a lot worse" she said "and closer together" she said Duffy nodded "that's a good sign" she smiled Ruby nodded "I'm going to stay in here now" said Duffy she nodded "do you want any pain relief i would of asked you before but if you take it too soon contractions that it worse it can have barely any effect on them" she said "I'm alright at the minute thank you" she said Duffy smiled "your a tough nut aren't you" she smiled "its only really painful when it hits me in between its not too bad" she smiled Lev just held her hand and smiled at her. Another 4 hours passed and now Ruby was sitting on a ball with Jan rubbing her back "alright lovely" she said as a contraction hit Ruby "on the bed once more" said Duffy "i cant lay down it hurts more" she cried "alright how about if you lean over the bed stick your bum out then i can have a look" she said Ruby nodded and Jan helped her up and lean over the bed she just carried on rubbing her back. Rubes your almost 10cm are you ready to push?" she asked Ruby nodded "do you want to stay here or on the bed" she said "here can i just stay here" she said Duffy nodded and sat down on the floor "when you feel another contraction you push alright with everything in you" she said Ruby nodded and pushed Lev held her hand and Jan kept rubbing her back "and again" she said she pushed again and again after half an hour the head was born "we have a head" smiled Duffy "now one big push for the shoulders" she said ruby squeezed Levs hand and pushed with everything in her "your baby's here" smiled Duffy as the baby cried Ruby smiled and put her head on the bed she was exhausted. "you did that with barely a sound not many women can say that" smiled Duffy Ruby smiled as she passed her baby to her "you've got a little girl" she smiled Ruby smiled and Lev held her close "you did it" he smiled she nodded "worth every minute" she smiled Lev nodded and kissed her head.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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