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A tiny note; this is the very first imagine written when I started this account and although I will be changing every imagine written in here, I wanted to keep this one to show all of you how much I have improved over the years, so please enjoy and try not to cringe too hard. 

Requested by casslasschass

Thank you!

You and Hongjoong have been best friends for 6 years, You guys haven't seen each other in months and you wanted to do something together. 

But instead of staying home all day, you drag him to the fair that is in town. He's reluctant at first but slowly he starts to have more fun.

"Come on!" You Squealed, dragging Hongjoong behind you.

"Y/n, You have made me go on every.single.ride!" Hongjoong whined.

You rolled your eyes and continued dragging him through the crowds of people. It was getting late, probably around 11:30 pm so you two decided to meet up with your friends and do the last ride of the day.

"Honey, why are you making such a pouty face?" You teased squishing his cheeks.

Before he even had a chance to reply, your older sister and her boyfriend threw a stuffed animal at the back of his head.

"Where have you, morons, been?"  Her sister asked crossing her arms.

"We were just hanging out, no big deal" You laughed.

Your sister looked at Hongjoong, she squinted her eyes at him "Joong, you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" He laughed awkwardly running his fingers through his hair.

Your sister rolled her eyes, "Darling, let's ride the Ferris wheel", she said pulling her boyfriend with her towards the bright and lit-up Ferris wheel.

"Come on" You laughed, grabbing Hongjoong's hand causing him to flinch slightly.

~Time skip (Because ride lines are forever long)~

"Yay! It's our turn" Your sister squealed, dragging her boyfriend onto the seat.

Her boyfriend laughed at his girlfriend's constant squealing if he didn't know her he'd think she was on crack or something.

"Why did we let those crackheads date each other?" Hongjoong asked, shaking his head.

"That's your fault, not mine. You introduced her to Mingi, not me" You laughed, stepping onto the platform below and sitting down on the rocking seat.

As soon as you both took your seats and fastened your seatbelts, the Ferris wheel began its gradual ascent. Honjoong and you couldn't stop laughing while watching your sister and Mingi scream every time the seat rocked forward.

Suddenly Hongjoong stopped laughing and he looked at you, he intertwined his fingers with yours and looked at you.

"Y/n, can I tell you something?" He asked

You nodded your head, "Sure".

"Okay, I don't know how to put this"  

You guys stopped and looked at each other, and it seemed like the world stopped for a moment.  

"Y/n, I like you...I have always liked you, I want to be more than friends" Honjoong said, his voice sounded calm.

"Like best friends?" You joked, earning a smirk from Hongjoong.

"No, like this" Hongjoong whispered before pressing his lips against yours. His lips felt soft and he smelled amazing.

You two finally pulled away from each other breathing heavily, You guys blushed as you heard screams from above you. Your sister and Mingi were watching the whole thing go down, "It's about freakin time!" Your sister yelled.

"So, will you be my girlfriend?" Hongjoong asked, pulling you closer to him.

"Yes, Hongjoong...It would be a pleasure" You replied cupping his cheeks and kissing his lips.

This was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

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