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Requested by AM_Yoo_rs

(A/n: Okay, you requested a tragic love story and I'm good at writing things full of emotion, mainly because I'm emotional as heck but anyway I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry if you don't like the twist I gave it...also I googled tragic love story so I would know for sure if I was writing this right)

(a/n: Sweet lord ^)

Do you hear me? am I in your heart? I have to be there...Don't forget me.

Seonghwa's POV:

"Where am I? what is this place?", I wonder, the room is bright and full of white light, "Am I dead?".

Suddenly I hear a voice speak, "I see your awake, how are you feeling?", The woman pressed her icy cold hand on my forehead, "You feel a bit warm".

"Who are you?", I ask.

The woman smiled softly, "I'm Dr. Wini, Do you remember anything?".

I shook my head, what was there to remember? nothing came to my mind, I only remembered my name...But wouldn't anyone remember their own name?

Dr. Wini sighed as she took a seat in a chair, "You were in a car accident 2 months ago, do you remember anyone by the name of Y/n L/n? I have had several people mention her name"

I didn't remember...

"No, I don't"

Dr. Wini looked at me, a slight glimmer of sadness in her eyes. Why was she saddened? Was Y/n someone close to me?


As the months went by I still didn't regain any memory, but the Doctor agreed that I couldn't just stay in the hospital every day and watch the world go by.

So I left the hospital.

I have only been home for a few days, I had received a call saying I was needed at work, and to be honest, I didn't think that I worked, It's not like I had much in the house to give me an idea to what I do or "did" for that matter. Rather, everything is quite blank, almost peculiar, how could I possibly not have anything in the house?  Little by little I started to wonder if I were crazy, mainly because I still didn't remember anything. But, Maybe after I go to "work" I will figure out more of my past...A past I don't even believe I lived.

"Hello, I'm Park Seonghwa", I said with a smile, the man sitting near my desk looked at me and laughed.

"How are you doing?", 

"Fine, May I ask your name?", I felt a flush of embarrassment in my cheeks, he obviously knew me but I couldn't seem to remember a single thing.

"Hongjoong, and its alright, The doctor called a few days ago when we needed the okay for you to come back into work", He laughed again.

I stepped to "my desk" where there were numerous things strewn out over the top of it, papers, pens, files, etc, I didn't really know the full contents of it.

Hongjoong raised a brow as I sifted through things, picking up trash wads and throwing them away. As I picked up the file, its contents fell out and onto the floor, exposing numerous pictures, some more gruesome than others.

"What are these?", I asked.

Hongjoong turned his head, "It's the Y/n file, you know your girlfriend", he crouched down and picked up a picture that fell under his desk, "You'll probably remember everything eventually".

But what if I didn't? 

"Um okay", I whispered.

As I placed the pictures back on my desk, I felt a feeling of fear when I picked through the pictures, glancing at every picture quite thoroughly.

I opened my desk to see if I could place anything in it, inside was a cell phone, my cellphone I assume, considering it turned on with my fingerprint.  I scrolled through messages, which weren't very many, mostly from mom, or someone at least under the name "mom", I then clicked on the gallery, where I found thousands of photos of me and a young woman, she was beautiful.

Every picture was joyful, she was always smiling...what could have gone wrong.

On her right hand was a silver ring in the shape of a moon, a small tattoo on her middle finger which said "love" in french.  I could just imagine her smile and laughter as someone clicked a photo of her, everything about her was beautiful.

Little by little, I could hear her joyous laugh...perhaps it was a memory of her.

As I turned my attention to the photos in the file, I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach, each photo was different, the first photo didn't show much other than a car, well a car that looked as if it had crashed. 

Was that the car I was in?

I must have lost track of time because a little while later Hongjoong tapped me on the shoulder telling me he was going home, I waved him off and continued looking and reading about me. 

I now knew where I grew up, my current age, my gender...Although I already assumed I was a male, my parents, but it still felt as if I were hearing it for the first time. 

Who was Y/n? who was she really?

I picked up another photo and glanced at it carefully, I noticed how the woman in the photo hand's looked similar to that of Y/n, but I still felt unsure. After that photo, the others soon became more and more saddening...so gruesome, It was indeed a car crash, but something about it just didn't seem right.


The wheels swerved as the rain poured, the world was slick and shiny. I was holding a girl's hand, but I couldn't see her face, it was a blur.

"Seonghwa, I love you", The girl whispered.

I turn my head and smiled, "I love you too".

I had an odd feeling as if something weren't right, and I was right...something wasn't right.

The girl unhooked her hand from mine, at first I thought her hand was just too warm or something but what she did next was most shocking. Her hand quickly moved to the steering wheel pulling it to her side and slamming us into a tree, at first it was all black...as if I was dead but then I heard her voice and my eyes opened.

"I'm sorry", she whispered, a single tear falling from her eye.

"Y/n...? What's happening?"

It was Y/n...

Her face became clear, and I could see the sadness in her eyes, the pain as her lip quivered. 


What had gone wrong? What had I done to Y/n to make her do this? I wanted answers... I wiped tears from my eyes as I went on to the next photo, I was in the car...the picture was taken probably right after the crash, but Y/n was gone...

Who took the photo?

Was it her?

Suddenly the memories began to flood my mind, all the pain, laughter, crying, intimacy, everything was new to me...A feeling so deep...so painful.

I close my eyes only to see your face, Y/n, I love you...

Do you hear me?

I remember you...

A/n: Oof, should I write a part 2?

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