Requests and such

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I would love if you guys requested, I want to bring people joy because I struggle with actually talking to people I want to hear from you guys, what would you guys like to see more of?

Also, my apologies for being so inactive on Wattpad, I really do love writing for all of you and you guys mean so much to me!

It's not weird to request more than once, a lot of people don't because they are embarrassed for some peculiar reason, but when someone requests more than once, it shows me that you guys actually like my writing and it makes you happy :)

I have recently become extremely busy with training and all, but I will find the time to write for my beautiful followers!

I love you all so much and I will be waiting patiently for more requests, also if I randomly dedicate a imagine/one-shot to you its because I like you a lot and I want to make you smile :)

Thank you,


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