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Requested by cheekyidols  

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Your opponent gasped for air as they clenched their chest after a second blow to the ribs.

San choked out, "Yeah, you're definitely improving...but I have a friend who would like to try it.".

" You shook your head, "I don't want another Wooyoung coming in here acting tough just to hurt his pride" You sighed and took a drink.

San rolled his eyes and stood up, "Y/n, give him a shot, he may surprise you".

You groaned, if anyone could make you want to scream, it was San. 

"Fine, but only if he can make it through the pit",

San's eyes widened and he ran his fingers through his thick black hair. It wasn't a good idea and the pit was only for experienced fighters but you were going to weed out "wannabes" who just wanted to brag to their friends that they know how to box - 90% of the time, that was a fat lie -. 

San muttered a quiet "fine" before grabbing his jacket and heading out the door. 

Your concern was that he would be unable to handle what he would see down here and the emotional and physical torment if he made a mistake.

The next day, you were drinking coffee in your office when San made a loud entrance. His voice coining a new sing-songy tone, "Guess who's back?".

Your eyes rolled back in disgust. "Sannie, what happened to your friend?" you mused, mockingly. 

San had just left the room and when he returned, his "friend" was standing beside him, his arms crossed. He was slightly shorter than San, but his energy reeked of arrogance and assurance. You stood up and looked into his eyes. 

"So you think you can handle the pit?" you asked.

"I'm Hongjoong and sweetheart, I can handle anything," he added as he took off his jacket.Hongjoong's self-assurance was apparent, and it was also clear from the way he was standing that no one in the room had the ability to scare him. He gave the impression that he was up for any task given to him by the way he carried himself and his attitude.

You scrunched your face at San, "What the heck is this?" You mouthed, confused.

"He's usually not this cocky" San whispered.

"So who am I fighting?" Hongjoong hit his wrapped knuckles together as dust dispersed into the air.

You walked towards a door across the room, not giving him a response but instead knocked on the door in front of you, "Jongho, you're needed in the pit. Newbie wants a go." He opened the door a few seconds later, tired eyes looking back at you. 

"Who am I going against?" He asked. 

You pointed to Hongjoong, who stood arrogantly as he rose a brow at you. "That douche-wad, take care of him please." 

Jongho nodded and made his way to Hongjoong, greeting him politely and giving him a smile. 

Hongjoong looked at him as if he were a bug, "Seriously, this kid?" He looked Jongho directly in the eyes, practically standing on his tippy toes to get eye-to-eye with him. "What are you, like, twelve?" 

"You're one to talk, you're like 160 cm." Jongho quipped. 

Hongjoong glared at him before you broke the two up, telling them to make their way to the pit. San showed them the way to the pit and slammed the cage shut behind them, everyone else stood on the outside and watched as the two wrapped their hands. 

Hongjoong smirked and looked at Jongho, "So when do we start?" 

Hongjoong fell to the ground clutching his jaw as a result of Jongho's hard blow that shattered the air.

"You son of a b-"

Seonghwa had worked at the club for a few years now and just recently had become Jongho's manager so when he walked in to give everyone their cafe orders, he nearly had a heart attack seeing Jongho in the ring at 8:30 in the morning. 

"Jongho! Get out of there, you have a show tonight and you can't strain your body too much!" Seonghwa yelled. 

Blood was on his lips when he stood up, and he grabbed his jaw. He crashed into Jongho's torso as he charged at him and then delivered a powerful punch to the throat. Jongho struggled to breathe after the violent blow, gasping and grabbing his throat. In order to separate Hongjoong from Jongho, Seonghwa grabbed him. He immediately flung him to the ground and banged him on the floor. Joong's strike fortunately wasn't strong enough to cause Jongho's windpipe to collapse as San assessed his condition.

To say you were furious was an understatement, but you had to hand it to him; not many people are actually able to knock Jongho down. 

"Welcome to the club" You held your hand out and Hongjoong grabbed it. 

Hongjoong smirked, "So when are you gonna fight me?" He asked arrogantly.

You looked at him and rolled your eyes. "I don't fight babies" you laughed as you turned to walk away, Joong grabbed your arm and pulled you close. You could feel his hot breath on your face as he looked down at you, and it wasn't one of those Hollywood movie feelings where there were fireworks and butterflies, all you wanted to do was punch him in the face. 

You seized the knife attached to your boot and pressed it into his throat. While swallowing, he grinned evilly. Up until it punctured the skin, you kept bringing the blade closer and closer. He sighed and pushed the blade aside with his finger, an unamused look painted on his face.

Great, he was arrogant and stupid.

"Don't judge people based on their appearances, I was raised in a gang," Hongjoong whispered. 

San leaned in closer to Hongjoong. "What really? You were part of the Yakuza?" he asked completely shocked.

Hongjoong gave him a look and kicked his shin leaving San wincing in pain and grabbing his leg. He shot Hongjoong an angry glare as he sauntered off. 

"Oh, really? What gang?" You posed the question while slanting your body and crossing your arms across your chest. Although some people might have thought you were dangerous, Hongjoong thought you were just his new toy. 

When you asked him a question, he appeared a little perplexed. Perhaps he was surprised because he realized you were playing him back.

"Alright, I'm not a gang member." He said, looking irritated but amused, "But you need to quit judging."

You rolled your eyes as you entered your office and shut the door behind you. You slouched in the seat and peered at the knife, which still had a trace of blood on it.

He's so stupid, you thought as you saw him through the curtain's gap; he'll get eaten alive in no time.

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