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Requested by little_crow463

A/n: Hello, I would like to point out that this imagine is completely innocent and good, also y/n in this story is 11-12 years old so NO romance lol between y/n and Ateez, that would be weird.

Part 1 of 2

"Honey, wake up!" Mom said turning on the light in your bedroom, "Today's your big day!".

You rolled in your bed groaning as you opened your eyes, "Mom-ah, I'm sleepy" You whined. 

Your mom had already walked back into the kitchen to make breakfast for your big day, KQ entertainment had seen your dancing online and wanted you to be featured in K-pop group Ateez's newest music video.

You got out of bed and turned on some music, you turned your music onto shuffle and got dressed in your dance outfit, which was just a black tank top, grey sweatpants, and some sneakers, you would switch into your dance shoes after you got to the studio. 

When you were 4 years old your parents put you in ballet, then after you started ballet you realized you loved dancing. You have been dancing ever since, you dance ballet, tap, hip-hop, and contemporary. You have a YouTube channel that your older sister helped you set up, and one day your mom received a email from KQ saying they loved your dancing and would be so happy if you would join their group in a new music video.

You didn't really wear make up yet except for when you were performing so you decided to wait until you had to shoot the video to actually put some on, you pulled your hair into a high ponytail, today was just practice for the video you would be performing in the video next week.

You grabbed your dance bag and walked to the kitchen, where your mom was washing dishes.

"I'm ready, mom" You said with a yawn.

Mom turned around and smiled, "ah your so beautiful" she looked at her phone and gasped, "I'm going to be late for work, your sister will need to take you to your appointment" she put on her jacket and kissed your forehead.

"Go wake up your sister" She handed you a protein shake, "and here's your breakfast".

Mom left quickly, you had hoped that she would have at least been able to take you to the place but luckily your sister was pretty good about getting to things on time.

You walk to your sister's room and knock on the door, "Dani, mom says you need to take me to my dance practice", you heard shuffling in the room and after about 3 minutes your sister opened the door fully dressed.

"What time is your appointment?" She asked.

"10 am" you looked at your phone, "It's 8:45 now".

She nodded her head and walked to the bathroom shutting the door behind her, "I only need 5 minutes!" she yelled from inside the bathroom. 

You grabbed your jacket and sat on the couch, you drank your shake as you waited for Dani to hurry and do her makeup, after Dani finished she walked out and grabbed her wallet off the counter.

"Ready to go?" 


Dani and you got into the car and buckled up, Suddenly Dani scrunched her face, "A protein shake? nasty" she started the car and pulled out of the driveway, "After your dance practice we are going to get something actually good to eat".

You laughed, You and Dani had always had a good relationship and you were lucky that she could actually get dressed fast.

You looked at her outfit, jeans, a black t-shirt which was covered by a soft pink sweatshirt, and then just some plain white Nikes.

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