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"It doesn't matter how hard I try, I still can't forget her. She's in the rain, the wind, the stars; she's everywhere and I can't just let her go."

It has been 4 years.

4 years since everyone in your little town assumed you were dead.

Everyone stopped looking for you after a year of searching, and although your parents begged people to keep searching for their precious child; not a single person even bothered. 

Like sand in an hourglass, time seemed to slip away and before anyone knew it, an entire 4 years had gone by since you went missing. 

Mingi was your childhood best friend. The two of you were practically inseparable your entire lives but one night after that party you simply slipped out of his grasp. 

It was your senior year of high school, everyone was celebrating. Everyone was so excited to see what their futures would hold. Would they be actors? Actresses? Artists? And dancers? The world was really so new, and to a kid in high school, you would really be looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. 

As the two of you made your way to the front door, you couldn't help but feel that buzz of excitement, the same feeling that would come when you were experiencing something new for the very first time. When the front door opened, you were greeted by the sounds of laughter and loud music. Wooyoung was at the door, laughing as if he had just walked away from a hilarious conversation. 

With a quiet "thanks", the two of you were able to slip into the house pretty much unnoticed. You were never popular, and you tended to blend in with everyone anyways, so to even be invited to such a nice party was the surprise of your lifetime. 

"Would you like anything to drink?" Mingi asked, his brown eyes scanning the crowd of exhilarated teenagers. "Soju maybe?" 

"I'll just have some water, I'm not a fan of soju". 

You never liked soju or any alcohol for that matter. You had tried it a few times before at home and stuff, but you never liked the environment that went along with drinking. And you couldn't help but be reminded of the sickening smell of soju whenever your dad would come home angry and disgustingly drunk. 

Mingi nodded in response, almost perfectly in tune with the music blaring above you. 

"I'll have water too".

Mingi's response made you smile. He always tried so hard to make you feel at home, even when your anxiety was getting the best of you. 

Eventually, Mingi took your hand and led you through the crowd. Your heart was beating fast at that point, you didn't really know whether it was from anxiety or just excitement, to be honest, it could have been both. 

Something told you that the air in the room didn't feel right that night, but you tried with all your power to ignore it. You wanted to enjoy yourself, at least just this once without your anxiety getting the best of you. 

"Hey Y/n, I'm gonna go say hi to Yunho and Yeosang. I'll be right back, okay?"

Before you even had the chance to answer, Mingi was lost in the sea of people. His energy was drowned out by the bumbling electric energy of the crowd. 

'Some friend', you thought to yourself. 

You scanned the crowd, looking for at least a familiar face. You saw a few people you knew, but you didn't know them well enough to walk over and start a conversation with them. 

"What are you doing all by yourself?" 

The voice made you jump, but when you turned around, it was only Junghoon. You had known him for years, and no one would ever forget talking to him. He was not much shorter than Mingi, with jet black hair and hazel eyes, he was really everything a girl could ask for. His eyes crinkled when he laughed, and while he was busy laughing, you were busy trying to calm yourself down from having a stroke. 

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