Chapter 5

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My next class is Pre-calc with Mr. Banks and I slide through the door just as the tardy bell starts to shrill. I find William in the back leaning against the wall talking with Ambrose and I almost trip over my own feet when Ambrose's eyes spot me. Jensen is right behind me so he bumps into my back when I suddenly slow down. In fact, Jensen is the only reason I don't fall because he grabbed both my shoulders when he bumped into me.

I catch my balance and look over my shoulder at Jensen, who happens to be way too close to my face, so close that I can see the flecks of lighter green in his eyes. I quickly right myself and take a step away from him. I don't like that Ambrose saw that. Not only was it embarrassing but what if he thought that was a moment between Jensen and me? What if someone else saw and thinks it meant something? What if Jensen thought it meant something?

"Thanks," I mutter as I shove my hands in my front pocket. "I'm normally more balanced than that,"

Jensen smiles a dazzling smile at me. "No problem,"

I don't say anything else as I bite my inner cheek and make my way to William and Ambrose. I can't decide how I feel about Ambrose standing next to my friend. I want to get to know Ambrose but I'm still too anxious that I'll say or do something to make a fool of myself. I was just fine admiring him from afar. Why did he have to come to my school? Why wasn't he sent to a different school? Don't get me wrong, I love that he's in my school, but I just wish I could go back to admiring him from afar. Up close is too much for me to handle.

"Hey," William greets as he kicks me in the shoe when I come to stop in front of him. "That was graceful," He teases.

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "Shut up," I mutter.

He kicks my shoe again just as Mr. Banks tries to get the class's attention. The buzzing in the room is too loud, though, so his words practically fall on deaf ears. That is until William grabs a heavy textbook from the shelf above his head and slams it on the ground. The book bangs onto the floor loudly causing the students closest to it to jump.

"Hey, why don't you all shut up, Mr. Banks is talking, show some respect!" He snaps with a glare. The room does go silent, however.

"Thank you, William," Mr. Banks says sarcastically. "You'll be paying for that book if you ruined it,"

"Yes, sir, Mr. Banks," William salutes the man before picking the book up. He smooths out a few wrinkled pages.

I shake my head. "You and this bad boy act, I must say that it's really hot on you," The words slip from my lips before I even know what I'm about to say. I want to facepalm the moment I speak the words.

William grins at me. "The ladies go crazy over it,"

"Do they? Or is it the biker slash illegal side of you that gets them?"

"Some ladies love to live on the edge, Matty, don't judge," He says with a grin.

I roll my eyes before giving my attention to Mr. Banks at the front of the class. William laughs under his breath as he kicks me in the shoe again. I kick my foot out and kick him back.

"Alright, if you are from Washburn High I ask that you temporarily free up the desks," Mr. Banks says.

"He isn't," I grumble as a few people get up.

"He totally is," William grumbles right back. "That is not cool. And after I shut the room up for him and everything,"

"Are you really going to make us take the quiz still?" Someone asks.

Mr. Banks smiles at the guy. "Of course. It was scheduled for today so it's happening today. Now, find a seat everyone,"

William groans loudly as he grabs the back of a chair. "So not cool, Mr. Banks, so not cool,"

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