Chapter 10

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I bang my head against the dining room table as my mother and aunt argue over if I'm a terrible person or not. My aunt thinks I'm the worst and that I'm the one tainting our good family name (even though she doesn't even share my last name), while my mother thinks I'm close to an angel who is the glue holding this family together now that my sister isn't here. I mean, she didn't exactly say it like that, but I knew that's what she meant. Without Socorro here, we're a little scattered, so, I do my best to keep us all sane. Of course, that's when I'm sane myself. 

My sister, Socorro, is still in college so she's been living in a dorm for the last couple of years. Socorro used to be the glue holding our family together. My parents don't fight or anything, but Socorro was pretty much the parent of the house. My parents are a little... different. It's not that they are bad at parenting, they just believe that a child needs to learn certain things on their own. So, Socorro was the one who made sure my brothers and I properly behaved behind the scenes. She made sure our homework was done, that we brushed our teeth at least twice a day, that our rooms were cleaned and our beds made. Without Socorro's influence, I don't think I would have turned out the way I am now. At least I think I turned out decent. 

Socorro was also the one who truly believed that I was gay. She was the one who told me to not be afraid to talk to our parents. She was the one who did research and then taught me about homosexuality at that young age so long ago. She believed in me when I didn't even believe in myself. She's the one who brought Jonah and Micah into my life who helped me more than they probably even realize. I never miss a chance to thank Socorro for being the awesome sister that she is.

But, with Socorro off at college and only able to check in on us once in a while, I've had to step up and be the big sibling. The sibling who makes sure that my brothers brush their teeth and keep their rooms clean. I try to do things my own way and not be exactly like Socorro but it's hard when she obviously was way better at being the glue than I am. 

And with me being the one to cause so much tension between my mom and aunt I feel terrible. I feel like I'm setting a bad example for Bowie and Jagger. They look up to me and I have to set a good example for them, but when our aunt sends a Priest to our house to spout off Bible verses and throw holy water at me, I think I'm failing. My brothers shouldn't have to witness that. What if one of them are curious about their own sexuality? They would be ruined by thinking my aunt would send a Priest after them as she does me. 

My phone vibrates with yet another text. I know it's from one of the girls or William but I haven't had the energy to check. Whenever my aunt visits it's draining. Trying to argue with my aunt is exhausting and I always want to sleep for days afterward. Especially if I'm visited by a Priest. 

Currently, my mother and aunt argue in the living room. I can tell by my growling stomach that it must be lunchtime already. But if I draw any attention to myself my aunt will come after me. My mom can only hold her back for so long. It would be so much better for my family if I was eighteen already. Then, my mom wouldn't have to fight with my aunt so much because I would never have to see my aunt again. I'm not saying I would disappear, but then I would legally have a say in what happens to me. And I want to say my aunt forcing a Priest to go after me is illegal. I don't know, though, I could be wrong.

If only I could live with Jonah and Micah, that would be so much better. Then, my aunt could never show up unannounced because she'd have no way to find me. Also, I just know Jonah could protect me from my aunt and her ridiculous Priest's. There is something mysterious about Jonah that I just can't explain. Somehow I just know he's powerful. I'm not entirely convinced his only job is management of where they live. I've always fantasized about him being some high up on the foodchain mafia guy with Abram as the boss. Like, Jonah could be Abram's righthand guy or something.

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