Chapter 24

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Ambrose and I find ourselves in the playroom that Ambrose actually calls the rec room. We both sit on one of the gaming chairs in front of the TV with Xbox controllers in our hands. We play some racing game and so far Ambrose has won four games and I've only won two so far. Ambrose finds it hilarious every time I come close to beating him only to wipe out by crashing into the wall. Like seriously, I'm honestly just trying to win but it's like I just can't let myself win or something. But then again, the finish line is right around this stupid corner that I just love kissing for some dumb reason.

And once again I come close to winning but as I round the corner I lose control of my red car and my backend crashes into the wall. Ambrose laughs hysterically as he zooms past my wreckage and crosses the finish line. He drops the controller as he falls over laughing manically. God, he's so fucking cute! I've never heard him laugh like he has today and it's honestly music to my ears. His laugh is so pleasing to my ears and I just want to record it so I can hear it all the time. Which is another creepy as fuck thought to have that will never be shared.

"How do you keep doing that?" He laughs. "You know that wall is there so how do you keep wiping out on it?"

I huff as I set my controller down. "I don't know," I say exasperatedly as I throw my hands up in the air. "I just can't get passed that corner. It's like it sucks me in or something," It's super frustrating too.

Ambrose laughs harder. I huff and push him on the shoulder with my hand. Hot sparks surprise me for a moment that I push him a little o hard. Ambrose loses his balance and starts to tip out of the chair, so of course on instinct he grabs onto the closest thing to him which happens to be me. He grabs my arm and gravity pulls us both down. I gasp as it all happens so fast and I fall on top of him. Ambrose doesn't make a sound but I make a very audible 'oof' sound as I land on him. And after I take a moment to register what just happened I realize my head is resting on his very hard chest.

I push up from his chest as soon as I realize our position. "Sorry, I didn't mean to push you that hard," I say quickly.

Ambrose laughs. "Don't worry about it," He says as he sits up. I slide down him and into his lap. "It doesn't bother me one bit," He says close to my face.

I suck in some much needed air from how close to me he is. Being this close to him and in this position makes my heart race and butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I like this position a little too much and I'm afraid that if I don't move soon he'll realize just how much. So I try to move away from him but his arms wrap around my back caging me in.

"Ambrose," I try to say.

He stares at me for a moment before he rolls his eyes. "Come on in girls,"

My head tilts to the side in confusion for a second before the door to the play/rec room opens. My head snaps to the side to look at whoever is coming into the room. Three very identical girls walk in. My cheeks flame hotly as each of them look at the compromising position their brother is in with me. Now, more than ever, do I want to get off him but he refuses.

"Do you need something?" Ambrose asks.

"Yeah, we noticed you brought someone over, so we just wanted to meet them," One of the girls says.

"Yes, it so rare that you ever bring someone over that isn't related to us," Another says.

"So, who is this boy you so obviously want to makeout with," The last girl says. Her words make me almost choke on my own saliva. Ambrose tightens his hold on me as I start to cough.

Once I finish coughing and take in a deep breath of air he looks me over. "You okay?" I nod, afraid that my voice will give something embarrassing away. Ambrose looks back to his sisters. "Really? Way to be subtle, girls,"

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