Chapter 36

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"You know we can't just lay in bed all day," Ambrose says.

"And why not?" I ask as we currently lay cuddled up together on my bed.

Ambrose is so warm and comfortable underneath me that I don't want to even get up to pee. There's a slight chill in the air because it started to snow again last night. We got a few inches but I haven't gotten a good look outside yet so I don't know for sure. My mom came round to drop off food and gather up the dishes we had from our previous meals but she still hasn't seen Ambrose. I know she is getting super anxious and wants to see him but I'm not ready for the bombard of questions she will have.

I texted Jonah this morning about what he told my parents on Halloween and he simply said 'the truth' and left it at that. So, apparently, my parents now know that my boyfriend is a freaking werewolf and somehow they have contained themselves to not come barging in so far. I am thankful for that and I have to give them credit. Although, my mom does give me weird looks each time she brings food. I know she is dying to ask questions but for some reason, she hasn't. I wonder if someone told her not to ask questions yet.

Ambrose strokes the hair at the back of my head in a soothing manner. "Because I'm already healed and we have to face everyone sooner rather than later,"

"And why's that?" I ask innocently like I don't already know the answer.

Ambrose chuckles. "It's already Sunday, love, and we both know your parents are going to have questions,"


"So," He says as he lifts my chin and forces me to make eye contact with him. "It's getting late in the day and we, unfortunately, have school tomorrow,"

"Can't we just pretend you're still not feeling well and skip tomorrow?"

He smiles as he shakes his head. "My parents will know and then I'd be punished. They take education seriously,"

"They'd punish you for skipping?"

He nods his head. "Yes, and my punishment would probably be to not see you,"

"They wouldn't just make you do extra chores or something?"

He shakes his head. "That worked when I was younger, then as I got older I was punished by working twice as hard during our warrior training. Now, though, since I have you nothing will get under my skin like not getting to see you, and my parents already know it,"

"That'd be punishing me too then," I pout. I don't want to be separated from Ambrose for any reason. Does that make me sound too clingy? 

"Which means we should go to school tomorrow. Which also means we should also get out of bed,"

"Okay, we can go to school, but why do we have to get up right now?"

"Because I'd rather face everyone today rather than tomorrow after school," He says. "Plus, I'd like a shower eventually,"

I huff and sit up. "Fine then, be that way,"

Ambrose laughs as he sits up next to me. "You're cute," He says in between kissing my shoulder. "This huffy attitude is cute too,"

I scoff and try to move away but he pulls me back so I fall into his chest. Then, he pulls my chin up and presses our lips together. The kiss is brief but it still makes my heart beat rapidly. He gives me a knowing crooked grin before he throws his legs over the edge of the bed.

I sit there blinking rapidly for a few seconds before I scowl and follow him out of the bed. I move to my closet and pull out a loose-fitting pair of grey sweats and an oversized sweater just a shade or two darker than the sweats. I hand them to Ambrose and then pick out a similar outfit for myself.

Mathias (BxB, Werewolf)(Book 8) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now