Chapter 18

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William's motorcycle was waiting in my driveway when Ambrose dropped me back off at home. I wonder when he'll put away the bike for winter and start driving his truck instead. William always does like to wait until the very last day possible to put the bike away for winter. He prefers the motorcycle to his truck, though, and I've always wondered if he truly prefers it over any other mode of transportation, or if he uses it to complete his bad boy look.

Ambrose waits until I open my front door and give him a wave before driving off. I do like that he does that. I don't know, I just think it's so rude for someone to drive off before you've even had a chance to open your front door. Like, what if it was locked and I didn't have my keys? I'd be stuck out in the cold for who knows how long until someone with a key came home.

The house is warm so I remove my Adidas coat and put it back on its hanger in the closet and kick off my shoes and put them in the closet too. I can hear mom in the kitchen, most likely making dinner, along with my two little brothers fighting over who gets control over the TV remote in the living room. I walk into the kitchen to indeed find mom chopping vegetables at the island in the center of the room.

"Hey, honey, how was practice?" She asks as she notices me walking into the kitchen.

I shrug my shoulders. "It was fine,"

"Is Coach Comen making you work extra hard for your game this Friday?"

I steal an entire carrot off her cutting board and chomp down on it. "Yeah," Mom gives me a narrowed glare for taking her carrot so I smile sheepishly. "We're definitely working extra hard, which means I'm starving. How much longer until dinner?" I peek into the pan on the stove to find that she's making stir fry. Yum.

"About another half hour. William is up in your room waiting for you. Tell him to stay for dinner, he's probably hungry considering he's been there since school got out,"

I nod my head before turning to look at her. "He's been here since school got out?"

She nods her head as she expertly chops an onion. Mom once upon a time aspired to be a chef but she never finished culinary school because she found out she was pregnant with Socorro. Socorro was almost born out of wedlock but our parents managed to mary four weeks before she was born. Not that being born out of wedlock is bad or anything it's just mom's side of the family is more old school with traditions. Luckily mom and dad loved each other and wanted to marry anyway. But mom said she couldn't keep up with the physical demand of culinary school during a high-risk pregnancy, so she quit and has always wanted to go back. I hope she gets to go back someday so she can live her dream of being a chef.

I leave the kitchen and head up the stairs to my bedroom. Something must really be on Will's mind for him to have come straight here knowing I had basketball practice after school. I knock on my bedroom door first before opening the door to let him know I'm coming in. I find William sitting at my desk actually doing homework. Will tries to pretend that he's not smart, but I know that if he were to actually sit down and do his homework he'd get pretty decent grades. So, seeing him doing homework means he must be trying to distract himself.

"Hey, Will," I greet as I set my backpack at the foot of my bed and pull my hoodie over my head. It's too warm in my house to be wearing it right now.

William looks over his shoulder at me before looking back at his work. He sighs loudly and writes something down on the paper. I take a seat on my bed and wonder just what's bothering William. I don't think I've ever seen him act this strange before, which worries me. But, I know from personal experience that it's best to let him start the conversation instead of trying to pry it out of him. That always causes a panic attack for me.

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