Chapter 34

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"Ambrose," Jonah grumbles as he works to clean the blood off my boyfriend's stomach. The wounds on his stomach look horrible and painful and I can't believe everything that happened tonight really happened. "Why didn't you shift? You would have sustained fewer injuries if you had shifted. And you could have been done sooner,"

Ambrose continues to gasp for air. Micah is somewhere keeping my parents and all the kids out of the room, but I know my parents are close by because I can hear my mom crying. I think Jonah might want my parents to see this for some reason, but he also wanted them far enough away so that he could work quickly without their questions, crying, and screaming. He let me stay, though, which is good because I would have put up a fight if he tried to get me to leave.

"You should have shifted, kid," Jonah says. "If you were worried about Mathias and his brothers it was too late, they already saw the Rogue. You have more training as a wolf, Ambrose, so you should have shifted. You're trained to fight and kill Rogues, Ambrose, so what the hell happened out there?"

Of course, Ambrose doesn't respond. He just gasps for air and winces every once in a while.

"Shouldn't he get like stitches or something?" I ask.

Jonah glances at me for a second before he shrugs his shoulders. "Perhaps,"

"Then shouldn't he see a doctor? Don't you have wolf doctors or something?"

"We do, and one is on his way now," Jonah replies. "But what he really needs most right now is for you to get on him,"

My mouth falls open. "Excuse me?"

"Don't make it dirty," He snorts. I wasn't until he said that, my jaw dropped because me getting on Ambrose would hurt him, but now I'm taking it dirty for sure. "I meant to lay with him,"

"Why would I do that? I'd only hurt him more,"

"No, not really," He says as he wipes blood from a bleeding gash on Ambrose's chest. "Actually, you'd make him feel a hundred times better,"

"How would that make him feel better?" I ask in disbelief.

"Because you're his mate," Jonah says like it answers everything.

"Yeah, and?"

He sighs as he looks me right in the eye. "A mate is... special... to us. They can do things for us that seem nearly impossible. In this case, a mate, you, can help him heal,"

"How am I supposed to help him heal? I don't have magic saliva or healing powers," I get a sudden wave of déjà vu as soon as I say that.

"But you do," He says as he presses a clean side of his towel against the bleeding gash next to his eye. "Just by being with him, it allows him to calm down. If you have skin-to-skin it will allow him to relax so his body can repair itself. The more skin-to-skin you both have the faster he'll heal. A mate is a thousand times better than any doctor or medicine,"

"Are you asking me to strip?"

Jonah raises an eyebrow at me. "Well, I mean, that depends on you and how well you want him to feel," He then makes a funny face. "Okay, that sounded dirty too. I just mean it's up to you on how comfortable you are. You'll help him either way just by being with him, but the more naked you both are the faster and better he'll heal,"

I stare at him with wide eyes. I cannot believe he is asking me to lay naked with my boyfriend at a time like this. Especially since my family is somewhere nearby and can probably hear everything.

"Don't tell me you haven't seen each other naked yet, haven't you?"

My eyes nearly bug out of my head. "No, we haven't," Again, no one needs to know I sucked his dick.

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