christmas pranks here we gooo (oneshot)

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You wince as the floorboard creaks beneath your foot, warm in its fuzzy purple sock. 

Phil turns his head to look at you- mid tiptoe- and you both giggle slightly, as quietly as you can in the early morning. It's about four am, and Dan has been asleep for nearly an hour, but the two of you were up having an epic video game marathon with infinite pizza and some Christmas-coloured sugar cookies. Phil won in the end, with you a not-so-gracious loser, but both of you were left on such a sugar high that you couldn't sleep, so, naturally, you decided to prank Dan.

And that's what led to you and Phil creeping into the kitchen at midnight, with him almost to the counter. Phil slips on  the wooden floor and slides across the kitchen in his onesie, hitting the side and rebounding. The startled expression on his face is just too funny, and you stifle another laugh. He shushes you violently, holding a finger to his lips and clenching his eyebrows angrily, which only serves to make you laugh more.

Still holding your sides with laughter, you scoot across the floor and cautiously open the cupboard above your head. The hinges squeak a little, but you still manage to take a bowl out and close it again without anyone being the wiser.

Phil turns on the tap to its lowest setting, and you hold the bowl under the water, filling it about halfway. You know it's immature, but what can you say? The bedwetter is an oldie but a goodie.

After it's full, the two of you begin to carefully proceed to Dan's room, but halfway through the living room, Phil stops and rushes to the windowsill. Silently, he tugs a piece of tinsel from where it has been lain artfully across the back of the sofa, and darts back to arrange it around the lip of the bowl.

You tilt your head sideways and look at him questioningly in the semi-darkness. 

It's Christmas, he mouthes, we need to make it festive, Y/N!

You nod knowingly, and tap the side of your nose. Dan will be in for a shock when he wakes up.

Still giggling slightly, the two of you tiptoe along the passage and gently push open the door to Dan's room. He looks vaguely angelic, lying half under the duvet with hobbit hair sticking out every which way and the amber lamp glowing in the corner.

Phil motions you forward, urging you to do it.

Wish me luck, you mouth, and he gives you a silent thumbs up.

No longer laughing, you step forward in intense concentration, and, careful not to wake Dan, you take his clammy hand in yours and set the water on his bedside table. Deep in focus, you lay his splayed fingers in the bowl, and almost have a heart attack as he snores gently in dreamland.

Sneaking back to Phil, the two of you share a grin and close the door, before running back down the hall to the living room, still sniggering. As he closes the door, you burst into outright laughter.

"I can't wait to see his face when he wakes up," you laugh.

Phil smiles with you. "Me neither. It'll be the best Christmas prank ever!"

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