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Health is wealth.

Mal.Abu's family members have had a meeting

they have been wondering,why would their

happiness be cut short each time they have

better plans for theirselves or for their future they

have come to conclusion that they would hold a

serious fasting and prayer session their maigida

has not been a part of their plan he was acting

strange lately, today he was on his way to his

private bank  hut were his money were hidden.

                The only thing he goes their to do before

now was to count money stare at it for a while

and then returned back home but today he took

a huge sum out of the safe and headed home

when he reached home he called his family

members and gave each  of them part of the

money they were really shocked and thought for

a while that something was wrong somewhere he

just gave them and smiled na baku,he continued

to behave strange through out the week and

today he was around the neighborhood but lost

his way back home he couldn't remember

anything that was strange for someone who has

lived the better part of his life in a place and also

know all the knuck and cranny of this place

suddenly cannot remember his direction home

that was really strange he just stood their without

expression on his face not sad nor happy some

people had noticed him and he has being going

to and fro they wounder what he was looking for

they later approached him to see if they would be

of help to him they asked what he was looking

for he just replied with I don't know ooo they

said we just want to help you because you are not

behaving like the mal. Abu that we know we

just want to help you we actually know who you

are but they thought he was being trickish as

always pretending not to know them but

him wondering late that evening they knew that

all was not well they asked him what he was

looking for again and he said bansani  ba they

thought he was joking they kept repeating the

same question and he just gave them thesame

former answer their they knew something was

not normal for a man his age saying he those not

know what he was doing outside at this hour was

something else.

            They took him home and were lucky it was

a full house they narrated what happened and

left he was still behaving abnormal their at home

he was looking at them like they were

total starangers to him they didn't think twice

they took him to the hospital, at the hospital test

were conducted and he was proven to be

suffering from Alzheimer's disease doctor please

what those that means it is a serious disease,that

affects older people it actually prevents the brain

from functioning normally and as a result cause

loss of memory and also loss of ability to speak

clearly they listened to the doctor as he

explained what the disease actually means he

also said that age is the biggest risk factors for

Alzheimer's disease it mainly affects people

above 65 years of age.Above this age,a person's

risks of developing Alzheimer's disease doubles

about every five years.

They asked the doctor if their was a cure for it but

he told them a cure hasn't been gotten but their

are ways they could treat him not to worsen the

situation he told them to also take note of what

he was going to tell them that whenever they are

talking to him they should speak slowly and

clearly for him to understand and also give him

time to answer them, they should maintain eyes

contact also,one question should be asked at a

time,they listened carefully to what the doctor

said all they want was for this problem to end.

They just dragged their weak body to any part of

the hospital after the talk with the doctor all

they want was to clear their head for sometime

and think of a possible way to save him alas they

were all he has but what they were not clear of for

how long was he going to be sick,mama tala took

it on herself to go and see him but she has

pounder over this phrase for more than an hour

now that her own husband has forgotten about

who she was not that she was cajole to marry him

they shared love and she wished and also pray

that she wouldn't forget what they share as that

was what was about to happen to him all she

wants was her former husband because this

changed person here was not him when she

reached his ward he was fast asleep she  has too

much going on her head already for how long

were they going to be spending on someone that

those not spend on himself or his family but he

was always the sick one,she just pray that the

Almighty will come to their aid as always.

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             Maryaama Yelwa 🦋

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