chapter 3

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"Trivial things are the most important" they say

as the day passed by Gazali was able to save

enough money that could pay all his bills and

that of their family members all thanks to him his

younger ones can now smile simply because

their oldest brother plays the role of a father in their life.

                  Hadiza aaa malam Abu screamed his

second wife's name as if he was a child who has

lost something important , how many times

would I warn you all to stop collecting gifts from

that boy that calls himself my son he has just

gotten to the city and it is barely two months and

you think he has made it in life for you to be

collecting things from him haba maigida shut up

don't maigida me you should be ashamed of

yourself for collecting all sorts of cheap stuffs

from that boy I knew he was not going to be

himself, Mama talatu that has been eveadropping

on their conversation just shaked her head not

because of anything but she has been praying

and hoping that the almighty would bring an end

to this nonsense. Ki kawomi  abinchi she looked

at him to make sure that he was talking to her

before she answered kaga you didn't drop any

money before you went out and when I asked

you snubbed me,the only person that we all

heard our hopes on you stopped him from

sending us anything despite the fact that he is one of us.

What they didn't know what that he was making

that fuss for two reasons one he should have

given him something as the head of the family

first before giving even his mother or any

member of their family, two was he a fool or he

was under some kind of spell to be spending

money on people who don't have anything to

offer him in return only thank you and some sorts

of prayers and complements he said to himself ni bazan iyaba.

The habits and lifestyle of mal Abu was way too

bad he never sees bad in what people say,to top

it all everyone in the community where they lived

already knows him even if they were asked to

contribute anything for the betterment of the

community he was always left out no one speaks

good about him in fact he was full of trouble, he

those not allow his children and wives to mingle

too much with their peers in their neighborhood

thinking maybe they would copy some of their

behavior most especially good or characters, he

was scared to see any of his family members that

would bold enough to talk back at him that was

why he doesn't likes Gazali he felt that his mind

was poisoned,with all these being said he dose

not keep friends and no one wants to befriend or

associate with him.He was a human plague that

they all avoid but he prefers it that way saying

having too much friend Is a whole waste of one's

time,he always has solution and answer to every

question provided it does not involves his cash.
Twelve months that makes up a year  they  have

just one advantage over him it was at this time

they know what food and eating to their

satisfaction was called.

  Hope you are enjoying the story I hope to read

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                   Maryam Yelwa 🦋

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