I wanna live

77 19 30

I wanna live,

Live wild and free

Without any grievances

Without any flee

I wanna live,

Live a life that I want

Like a beautiful spirit

In the sea

For-longing for free...

For once I wanna live

And not just survive,

For once I want to be happy

Happy as I'll ever be,

I want to cry tears of happiness

But all I cry are the tears of sadness,

When will I get what I want?

When will my wishes be fulfilled?

Will I ever be happy?

Or will I just live the life of an emptiness...

For once I want to know

What I actually need,

I don't wanna be confused


I wanna live,

Live the life as bright as sea

Spirit exploring and free.


*Author's Note*

Heya there angels!
So...this is my first ever poem that I have written. It was written a long time ago but I was too shy to show it to anybody. My best friend encouraged me to post it here and so here I am...here it is!
I was too young when I wrote it so if it sounds silly please don't hate.
Lemme know what ya think and please do vote and comment. Show some love and spread love.
Thank you!♡

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