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I feel trapped inside my own mind

And I can't find a way to escape

It's a whirlwind of emotions

Pool of thoughts

Vision's blur

I'm unsure of what to do

Everything's enclosing on me

And I feel suffocated

I try to breathe

Harder and harder

But there's no air

I want to scream so loud

But I find no voice

I start shaking

Tears in my eyes

Lying there on the

Cold hard ground

Trapped inside my mind


*Author's Note*

Hey Angels!
I know I took it so long
I have just been really busy with college and stuff
Here's an update though I hope you like it
Don't forget to vote and comment
Lemme know what you think!

And for those who need it today-
You're beautiful and you matter!
Also don't forget to smile and shine. Be kind and spread love cause you never know what someone is going through when. Love love angels!♡

Thank you!♡

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