3 년 전 5 부 피날레.

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Title - 3 years ago part 5 the finale.

The majority of girls that had auditioned were beginning to fall asleep as the last names were called. It was around 7 o'clock in the evening and all the boys had been chosen and were awaiting the girls results for them to meet and do some paper work and photos etc.
The last girl had just come out of the audition room as the results were called out on the loudspeakers.
"We have chosen 4 girls out of the 258 of you that have auditioned. Can we please have
- Chan Donsae
- Sam Mae
- Kim Nikita
- Jun Kim Cho
Please come to the audition room as you have been chosen to be the band members.
Each of the girls moved towards the room, greeting each other as they got to know each other. The shock on their faces reflecting onto the mirrors around them. Mae had tears streaming down her face as she wiped at her eyes, a smile not leaving either hers or the other girls faces.
"Hello girls, it's a great pleasure to call you the new members of the new K-Pop group - Infinity. You have been chosen because out of all of the candidates you stood out with your looks talent and confidence. You will now register your names and stage names and then meet up with BTS who are the other group that have been created. Of you go girls. "
They bowed as they went into the next room, Dia's face lit up as she noticed Namjoon in the corner.
" Namjoon! You got in too? "
They hugged each other tightly as they met again. It had been a long day and they were all tired from a long day of nerves.
"OK so, we are preparing some dorms for you to live in from now on, we have contacted parents and carers and they are to meet you tommorow to give you your things. You must prepare a debut song ASAP. Then we will discuss tours etc. Thank you all, now please follow your managers to your hotel rooms and then have a good nights sleep. "
They made their way to their managers and the large limousine that was taking them to their hotels.
" So, girls, my name is Min Hamyeon. And I am your manager. Please take this time to get to know each other."

Snow was the first to speak,
" Hello, my name is Jun Kim Cho, I'm from Japan and I would love it if you called me snow. I love to sing." an awkward silence sat between them for a few more seconds.
Snow - " Hey, I have a game, how about we go in a circle and introduce each other. Then we will see if we can name each other and a fun fact at the end."
Dia - "Sounds good."
Everyone looked at Mae and Nikita who were just staring out into the open spaces. Mae's face was still stained by tears as she began to rub her eyes. On the other half of the limo, BTS were sat talking to each other intently. But a young boy with short and fluffy red hair was staring at her with a flare of concern across his face. He was sat next to Mae and noticed the tears down her face.

Boy - "Are you OK Miss? I'm Taehyung, but you can call me Tae or V,"
Mae - "Oh, sorry," she wiped her tears away and grabbed her arms shivering.
Mae - "Just, I'm in a state of shock, I didn't expect any of this. Oh sorry, I'm San Mae, you can call me Mae or Mae."
The pair laughed as Nikita, who was sat next to Mae, tapped Mae's shoulder.
Nikita - "Mae, are ya with us?"
Mae -  "I'll talk to ya soon Tae. Yes I'm all ears."
Each of the members took it in turn to say their names and a fun fact.

Nikita - "I'll go first, I'm Kim Nikita, but you can call me Ni or Niki. And when I was 6 I won a diving competition."

Mae - "My name is San Mae, you can call me Mae. And I used to live in Kent, England from when I was 5 to when I was 11."

Snow - "Hiyo, my name is Jun Kim Cho but you can call me snow. And I am originally from Japan."

Dia - "Hi, I'm Chan Donsae, If you call me Donsae, I'll slap you. Call me by my rapper name Dia. And I am an underground rapper here in Seoul."

The girls were about to continue their game when they went into the hotel car park. They said their goodbyes and made their way to their room.

3 months later.

Infinity had become one of the most successful girl groups in South Korea, storming with their debut single Fancy.
(In this universe Twice and Little Mix don't Exist, sorry all fellow onces and little mix fans, just easier for the plot 😔😢😶)
They had stormed and had brought out their first album and went on a tour of Asia. The next part of the story is 3 years later whem they are world famous and it starts at an interview.

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