Chapter 6: No Remorse

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"Slayer, I'm scanning the town now. Please stand by," Vega told the Slayer. "Confirmed. The two demons are in an alleyway 100 ft west of our location. We should move quickly."

Slayer nodded and pulled out his trusty double-barrel shotgun and headed on out. If it was one of the smaller demons, he knew he would be fine, but it was a larger one like a Baron of Hell, there would be issues.

He arrived at the alleyway and he saw two demons feeding on a human corpse. He loaded his shotgun to alert the demons of his presence and they turned around to look at their next meal. Slayer saw them and they were Prowler's. It had purplish-black skin with a muscular, agile body type. They also had three small, beady eyes that took up most of its face and a large, gaping mouth. These demons had the ability to throw fireballs and teleport so to the Slayer, they were one of the most annoying demon types to fight.

One of the prowler's charged at him, but it ended up in disarray. Slayer pointed the shotgun at the prowler's torso and once it got close enough, he pulled the trigger. The shot had enough impact to the point where it tore the demon in two. The demon was still alive with it screaming in pain, so he walked up to it and smashed its head with his foot. Brains, blood, and guts were scattered all across the dead prowler's body.

The other prowler teleported behind Slayer to try a sneak attack on him, but he noticed and swung back with his fist as it clocked the demon right in the jaw. It knocked a few teeth out and it responded by roaring with intense rage. The Slayer then proceeded to punch the prowler in the face and chop its head clean off with the blade he had equipped in his left hand armor. Blood spewed like a fountain from its neck.

"Slayer, I think now would be an appropriate time to test out the portal for your arsenal," Vega said.

Slayer gave a thumbs up to which Vega replied, "Opening a portal now." Slayer reached his hand inside and pulled out a big f***ing gun that he would definitely need later. He put it back and Vega chimed in at that moment, "I understand what you are planning. I'll open the portal again once we get to the entrance of the city."

The Slayer then grabbed/picked up the head of one of the prowlers and the upper torso of the other and proceeded to walk to the entrance where hell awaited.

At the entrance while Slayer was investigating the demon presence

"What are those things," said a younger thief.

"We are all going to die," stated a terrified rookie mage.

Upon the hill rested a small army of imps with a knight-general. Imps are a demon type from the Slayer's world. They have red-blackened skin with red eyes, elongated back spines, spikes coming out of areas like the arms and legs, and they have webbish-feat which allows them to traverse through areas easier. The general of the small army is a knight with black-plated armor, a black cape, and a sword with a grey handle with a light blue blade. He also rode a dark horse and he could remove his head from his body.

"I am the dullahan," the general began to shout. "I'm one of the Demon Lord's generals. Normally, I wouldn't go and conquer a town, but this army that a great one has besthe on this world is nothing short of a miracle! He has changed my way of thought and I want nothing more than to help conquer this weak world!" He raised his sword up high while his horse bucked up and neighed as loudly as it possibly could.

Darkness took to the front lines and stood 100 ft away from the crowd of defenders. She was a crusader after all and it was her sworn duty to protect the people of this world.

"Oh, a measly crusader standing up for everyone else," the dullahan sarcastically pointed out.

"I may be only one, but I will make sure that none of your beasts cross me," she answered as she unsheathed her sword. "It is my duty to make that so."

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