Chapter 11: Whiplash

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Aqua, Megumin, Darkness, and Yunyun arrived at the town, but as Megumin was about to call out a warning, she and others heard screams of torment from across the way.

"Aqua... what was that horrible noise," Yunyun asked Aqua worriedly.

"Why should I know Megumin's rival," she responded.

"I have a name, you know. You useless priest!"

"WHAT IDIOT WOULD TELL YOU TO CALL ME THAT?!," Aqua questioned uselessly.

"I did," Megumin answered. "And I'm not her rival!"

"Why won't you just let me have this," Yunyun asked.

As they continued bickering about an utterly useless subject that had no ties to anything whatsoever, they turned their head to the right and saw that Darkness had vanished. They then looked directly forward to see Darkness running towards the screaming heard earlier.

Darkness shouted out to them, "Stop your worthless bickering and help me! People are in trouble and there are things over there that are harming them and that could give me a goodddd thrashing."

The slight ounce of respect that the three had for Darkness utterly vanished once she finished her final sentence. They stared at her with confused looks questioning her motives about the situation, but they put that to the side and ran towards her and the screams.

About four minutes later, the four of them ran into a hybrid of demon they haven't seen before. It was a snake-like demon with its lower-to-mid body, that was representing a snake, that was fully robotic. It has two horns curving like a backwards checkmark, two small yellow eyes, and its brain was completely exposed.

Megumin, Aqua, and Yunyun were taken aback by the sight of the horrid creature. On the other hand, Darkness didn't falter and took seven steps closer to the demon and stated:

"Foul demon!" The demon turned and looked at the brave crusader. "Your reign of terror over these people ends here and now as I, a crusader of Eris will end you here and-"

Before she could continue, an intermediate adventurer ran in front of her and drew his spear. Darkness asked what the man was doing and he told her, "I can't just let a beautiful maiden as yourself be harmed by this horrific creature."

He pushed her about two feet back, sighed, and then charged at the demon screaming, "Die here you filthy hellspawn!"

The demon dodged the lunge attempted by the adventured and slithered quickly around him. Before he could turn around quickly to block/dodge its attack, the demon used its chain blade to slice him from the neck down to his heart.

"Why..." the adventurer was bleeding out rapidly and he was choking on his own blood which restricted his oxygen supply. "... did I... d... o... tha..." He blacked out and died due to rapid blood loss from the cut.

Darkness and the other three girls were starstruck by what they had just seen. Darkness felt as though she was going to die if she fought it alone, so the late realization struck in and called out to the girls:

"Aqua! Yunyun! Lend me your aid!"

"We got you Darkness," they both responded as they charged directly at the demon with Darkness falling behind.

"Hey!" Megumin shouted out. "What about... and they're already fighting... idiots... I could've blown them away in one shot," she mumbled to herself.

As she was doing that, Darkness charged straight down the middle, and Yunyun and Aqua burst in from the left and right respectively. Aqua was the first to chant her spell.

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