Chapter 9: Another "Demon"

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Two hours later

Slayer arrived back at the inn. His rage still flowed through his body, ready to clobber anyone who tries to stand in his way. He arrives back at his room, opens the door, walks straight in, and slams the door shut. He took his armor off carefully and placed it down near the corner of the room. He just wanted the next day to start, so he could hunt and kill more of the demons that are trying to tarnish his world.

He hops in bed and awaits for the next day to come. He fades into a deep rest, dreaming about all the demons he had slaughtered in the past.

The next day...

Slayer woke up and did the usual routine he has done each day since he has arrived here. He walked out of his room, shut the door, and opened Aqua's door with the key he had received from the innkeeper. He shut the door and saw Aqua still passed out from her drunkenness from the night before.

Slayer shook his head in disappointment as he walked over to Aqua and shook her, so she could wake up. She finally opened her eyes after about ten seconds of shaking and yelled, "STOP SHAKING ME IDIOT!" Slayer stopped and gave her the deadpan look that he is known too well for.

"Can we just not do any adventures or killing today," she asked Slayer. "I really don't want to after last night."

"I'm afraid we cannot as we must terminate the demonic presence on this world as quickly as possible," Vega answered.

"Come on! You have defeated and killed so many monsters and demons! Can you just take a break for one day?" Aqua raised a finger at him as she was talking.

Slayer shook his head, which told her the answer was no.

"Fine.... Plus, I want to go back to the heavenly realm as soon as possible, so just let me get ready."

Slayer nodded and walked out of Aqua's room to wait for her to come out. It took a whole ten minutes before she was ready. She walked out of the room and proceeded towards the exit of the inn.

They walked over to the guild to meet up with Megumin and Darkness. They saw them at a farther table towards the back and it looked like they were in the middle of a conversation. Slayer and Aqua walked over with her screaming at the top of her lungs, "HEY YOU TWO!!!!"

Darkness looked over at the voice she had just heard and noticed Aqua and Slayer. She gave a gentle wave while giving a slight blush along with it.

"You're finally here, you two," Darkness said. " Are we going to slay some strong monsters today? I just want them to rip me to shreds!" She let out a slight pleasurable moan afterwards.

Megumin, Aqua, and Slayer just looked at her with weird glances. Slayer wonders day in and day out if that blonde chick had issues upstairs.

"Uhhhhh... no," Aqua stated weirded out by Darkness's outburst, like usual. "Slayer and I decided to take a break today since we have bottomless pockets and..." She moved closer and whispered to the girls out of the Slayer's hearing, "... I don't think he's had a break in like years. He's insane for fighting and murdering... just look at him."

All three looked in the Slayer's direction and saw him revving up his chainsaw. He was checking to make sure it had enough fuel inside and after a quick practice slash, he gave a thumbs up to himself acknowledging that it worked.

The group turned their attention back towards the conversation and Megumin asked, "What does he enjoy anyways besides killing?"

"I honestly don't know," Aqua answered. "But, we need something cause I'm tired of the missions everyda-"

Before she could continue the rampant that would've turned out to be useless, a teenage girl walked over towards the table standing firm, but awkward. She was white, she wore a black dress along with a pink skirt with white ends, and she also had long-maroon socks with brown boots. She had a yellow clip with red ends in her short-brown hair. She had natural red eyes which meant that she was a part of the Crimson Demon's.

"Megumin," she began to shout. "My time to beat you has come!" She points a finger at Megumin and says, "I challenge you to a duel!"

Darkness turned to Megumin and asked, "Megumin, do you know this girl?"

"Never seen her before in my life," Megumin answered.

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT," the girl yelled, stunned by what she had just heard. "I challenge you all the time... even though when you always bested me you stole my lunch and..." The girl went off on a spree of words no one could care less about.

"Oh yeah Slayer..." Megumin began to say. Slayer turned his head towards her.

"This is Yunyun. My "self proclaimed" rival." Megumin made quotation marks with her fingers.

"I AM NOT SELF PROCLAIMED," Yunyun yelled.

"Oh and she's a Crimson Demon just like me, so please don't give her a heart attack," Megumin told him.

Yunyun looked up and down at the man with green armor. She had never seen something like him before as she was completely mesmerized by his appearance. Slayer waved his hand in front of her face as it seemed she was frozen like a statue; which she was...

"Hey Yunyun, snap out of it," Megumin told her.

"Oh right and... YOU DO KNOW WHO I AM," Yunyun yelled.

Slayer just sighed. He questioned how many weird and useless people he would meet on this journey. He even questioned how the Demon Lord hasn't taken over yet. Is he just as bad as everyone else?

A short silence befell upon the whole group until Megumin said, "So, what do you want to challenge me with this time?"

She thought to herself ideas of what he can challenge her to and she blurted out, "A duel of martial arts! I've been better at you at that!"

"Deal," Megumin said as she proceeded to walk out. Everyone else just stood in place until she told them, "Come on! I don't have all day and I don't want anyone else getting hurt."

The group and Yunyun walk out of the guild as they await the duel of Crimson Demon to beeseth their eyes.

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